
范文大全 > 教师范文






一、教学说明 (Teaching Remarks):



二、教学目标(Teaching Aims):

知识目标:通过阅读 Reading这篇文章,学习文中的一些有用的词语和句型扩大学生的词汇量,提高语言运用能力。

能力目标:1. 采用不同的阅读方法理解课文,提高学生的阅读能力。

2. 学习文中成功的语言学习者的优秀品质,并鼓励学生将其运用到实践当中,以便提高自己的英语学习能力。

德育目标: 教导学生:好的学习方法固然重要,但勤勉更重要。“no pains, no gains.”

三、教学重点(Teaching Key Points):

1.采用不同的阅读技巧,让学生了解文章大意,并归纳每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text)。


四、教学难点(Teaching Difficult Points):


五、教学方法(Teaching Methods):

1. Ask and answer 和 pictures 相结合,导入课文。

2. Fast reading 归纳每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text), 提高学生的阅读能力。

3. Careful reading 回答问题,了解文章细节内容。

4. Group work 讨论成功语言学习者的经验和特点。

5. Explaining and learning 掌握文中重点词汇、句型。

六、教学辅助(Teaching Aids):

Multi-media Computer,tape


首先利用课文标题 “Learning a Foreign Language: Twice as Hard?” 问学生 “How do you think of this question?” 让学生讨论导入。然后利用图片与Pre-reading部分的问题相结合的方式,展开讨论与问答,启发学生思考,引起联想,使学生对语言学习这个问题产生更浓的兴趣,以

促使他们学习方式的优化,提高其自主学习的能力。由于Pre-reading部分内容都在 “Reading”部分要进一步阐明,这就让学生先行考虑, 做好了准备,使他们提高阅读的自主性。


Question1. How do we learn our mother tongue? 配以 “中国孩子认汉字、学古诗”和“外国孩子学母语,”的图片,学生根据图片和自身的经历便可轻而易举地回答此问题。

Question2. What are the difficulties we must face in learning English?

Question3. How is learning a foreign language different from learning our mother tongue? 配以孩子们围绕着电视看卡通米老鼠学英语的图片。让学生感受到我们从小是如何学英语的以及学英语和学母语 的区别。

Question4. What are the characteristics of successful language learners?

Question5. How can we develop our confidence?

Question6. What can we do to learn better and faster?


有了以上的准备工作,让学生进入Reading 快读。首句阅读并skim the whole text,找出每段的大意,呈现于屏幕上,检查学生阅读的效果,把握学生对文章的总体理解程度。


Question1. How do we acquire our mother tongue? (paragraph1)

Question2. How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue? ( paragraph2)

Question3. At what age have most children mastered their mother tongue? (paragraph2)

Question4. How is learning a foreign language different from learning one’s mother tongue? (paragraph3)

Question5. In the writer’s opinion, which is faster learning mother tongue and learning foreign language? (paragraph3)

Question6. Why are some people better at learning foreign language than others? (paragraph4)

Question7. Why are successful language students able to gain confidence and to relax and enjoy learning? (paragraph5)

Question8. In which areas are

the successful language learners better? (paragraph5)

Question9. How can the learners make their language acquisition better? (paragraph5)

Question10. How can we become successful language learners? (paragraph 6)





Teaching Plan

(Pre-reading and Reading Unit 8 Senior 3)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims

1.Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2.Develop the Ss’learning language ability.

3、Learn some useful expressions and sentences

4、“No pains,no gains.” Diligence is the key to success.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability. Sum up the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the text.

2.Learn some useful expressions and sentences

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

1. How do the students use the characteristics of the successful learners to improve their English study?

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Ask and answer

2. Fast and careful reading

3. Group work

4. Explaining and learning

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

Multi-media Computer, tape

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step1. Greeting.

The teacher and the students greet

each other.

Step2. Lead-in.

Step3. Fast-reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the author.

Step4. Careful reading to answer some questions.

Step5. Explain and memorise the useful expressions and sentences.

Step6. Listen to the tape and then read the text aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Step7. Test

Step8. Summary

1. the characteristics of the good language learners.

2.the useful expressions and sentences

Step8. The design of the writing on the blackboard

-Useful expressions:

municate with sb./sth.

2.make sense of

3.be equipped with

4.adjust oneself to sth. / adapt to sth.

5.regardless of

6.take chances / a chance

7.take risks / a risk

8.experiment with sth.

ntribute to sth ./ doing sth.


Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(原文)

部分否定句的构成:not all / both / every---- =all / both / every----not----

eg. All the answers are not right. = Not all the answers are right.

Both of the books are not useful. = Not both of the books are useful.

Not every student wants to take part in the game. = Every student doesn’t want to take part in the game.

Step9. Extra work

Retell the text according to the main idea of each paragraph.

Step10. Record after teaching


Answer the following questions

1. What is Fun On Wheel? How did it come around?

(Follow these small questions.

1) When and where was the ramp built? And by whom?

2) Was it success?

3) When do they usually go skateboarding there?

2. How long has skateboards been around?

3. How did teenagers discover it?

4. What is the X games?

5. What kind of safety equipment do skateboarders use?

6. Why do you think some people like extreme sports?

(Following these small questions:

1) How are “extreme sports” different from traditional sports?

2) What can they get from the sports?

1. It is a skateboarding club which started by a dozen of teenagers who usually hang ten in a park where a ramp was built three years ago, which has arisen the adult’s interest and won their support.

2. Since 1970s.

3. As a result of TV shows, films, and competitions such as the X games.

4. The X games are like the Olympic Games for a new generation of sports which are less familiar to us than sports like football and basketball.

5. Helmets and other equipment which can protect them from danger.

6. First they enjoy beauty, harmony, and thrills more in extreme sports than in regular(traditional) sports.

Second the participants can have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new, that is to enjoy the pure joy of doing something that you did not think you could do and overcoming the fears,

Besides, they can develop friendship with each other through the X games

P 6 Exercise 2 Use some adj to describe the people.

kind-hearted, adventurous, supportive, understanding, creative, pioneer,

How do you understand this sentence, “Once you are Xperienced, your life will truly change.”

Language points:

1. trick

n. play a trick on, trick or treat, trick to open the door

v. trick sb into sth/doing sth (用计谋诱使某人做某事)

trick sb out of st (骗走某人某物)

trick sb out in(with) sth (用某物打扮可装饰)

adj. tricky

2. dozen

a dozen of 一打, 十二个

a dozen (of) eggs

二十四 two dozen(s) (of)

三十六 three doz (of) eg: I’ve bought a dozen of pencils for my son. I want four dozen (of) eggs.

dozens of 许多

several / a few / some dozens of

by the dozen 按打,以打计算

in dozens 成打地

3. head down to

head vt &vi 使……朝向,前往

head down to, head for

4. skillful, adj.灵巧的,熟练的

skilled adj熟练的,有技能的

be skillful at/in = be skilled at/in

5. be around be active in a particular field 在某一领域或行业中活跃

have been around 有阅历,有见识

walk around, around the world, around 8 o’clock

6. as a result of

As a result of

Because of

Owing to

On account of

Due to

7. center on 将…当作中心或重点; 集中于

他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。 Their talks always center on politics.

~ sth. on /upon 将某物集中在…上/集中concentrate on/upon 集中,集中(思想/注意力…) 于…

我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。We must ~ our attention on efficiency/studies.

concentrated 浓缩的 concentration 注意力

9. enthusiastic over, for, about 热心于,狂热于

He became enthusiastic about classical music.


成都市新都区第二中学 熊友林


Teaching Design for Integrating Skills, Untit20 Archaeology, Book 2B


Integrating skills仍然围绕本单元的中心话题“考古学”展开的,由阅读和写作两方面内容组成。阅读部分探寻了中华文明的源头,介绍了四川的考古发现-金沙和三星堆两个古文化遗址。两个遗址中所发现的大量文化遗迹,对研究古蜀国的地貌﹑气候﹑环境和历史文化都具有极其深远的意义。我国拥有神秘而又博大精深的文明,很能激发学生的民族自豪感。作为古蜀人的后代,我们更为先人所创造的灿烂文明而骄傲。通过学习,讨论考古发现,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲望。写作部分让学生们讨论在发现古文物时,该做什么,不该做什么。要求学生编流程图并增强学生保护文物的意识。学生分析

1. 经过前面几个课时的学习,学生对考古学方面的知识有了一定的了解和兴趣,但对我们的身边的考古文化和古老文明了解还比较有限;

2. 学生多数来自农村,虽然离金沙遗址和三星堆遗址很近,但很少有学生去参观过,加之信息渠道很有限,对其了解不多;

3. 学生具备一定的阅读理解能力,但在有限的时间内查找特定的信息和分析处理的能力还有待提高;

4. 以前接触过流程图,有一定的基础,但自己编写流程图还是第一次;

5. 课堂上学生活动积极,但人数多,调控有一定的困难。

教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. Learn and master the following:

quantity, serve as, mask, dig up, accompany, vast, square, triangle

2. Help the students to read a passage using the skills of fast reading and careful reading and create a flow chart.

3. Help the students to build up their integrating skills.

4. Help them to build up the ability to make use of information and process it according the demand and cooperate in a team and enjoy learning English

5. Help students realize the importance of the relics , inspire their pride of our country for her rich ancient culture and have correct sense to protect them.





教学媒体1.the multimedia teaching system

2.the blackboard

教学过程(Teaching Procedures )(40 ms)

教师活动内容﹑方式 活动内容﹑方式 备注

Step 1 Leading in

Good morning, class. We’ve learned the rich culture in England . As you know, we Chinese have a long history with a rich and colorful culture, too, which we are take pride in. Let look at two pictures of unearthed objects somewhere in China.

Show students the pictures of unearthed objects in Sanxingdui and Jinsha Village, and ask them questions:

1. Have you seen the pictures?

2. What do you know about them?

3. When and where were they found?

Step2. Fast reading

China has a brilliant culture of about 5 000 years. Do you know the roots of Chinese culture? Now, let’s turn to page 78 and read the passage about roots of Chinese culture. Ask the students to read the text quickly and answer the questions

1. What cultural relics sites are talked in the text?

2. What objects have been dug up in the sites?

Show the first form on the screenShow the pictures of the objections for Q2

Step3. Careful reading

Just now we learnt something about the two sites. At present let’s read the passage carefully and learn more about them.

1. Where are the two sites located in?

2. When were they discovered?

3. Who discovered them?

4. What places did Sichuan have trade links with?

5. What do archaeologists hope to discover at the Sanxingdui site?

Show the second form on the screenShow the location of Sanxingdui and Jinsha

Ask the students to pay attention to the new words and phrases:

quantity, serve as, mask, dig up, accompany, vast, square

(write them down on the blackboard)

Step4 Listening & watch

A. Listening

Let’s listen to the text and decide which of the following statements are true and which false.

1. The relics found at Jinsha are a bit alike those at Sanxingdui, so it gives archaeologists a good chance to study the Chinese culture.

2. Ivory and animal bones can serve as materials to study climate and the environment in ancient times in Sichuan.

3. It is believed that Sichuan had trades with Japan 3000 years ago.

4. Cong, a piece of jade found at Jinsha was made in Chengdu.

5. It is said that many relics found at Jinsha date back to between 5,000 BC and 3,000 BC.

6. The Sanxingdui Site covers so large an area that the digging work will last until .

Step 5 Discussion

1. Yan Kaizong accompanying his grandfather gave the precious relics to the government in 1953. Is it foolish of him to do so? Why?/Why not?

Suppose you were construction workers working at Jinsha Village, and you discovered some jade or gold objects in the field, what action would you take and what decision would you make?Ask students to discuss it and write down the important steps and decisions

Step6. Writing

After construction workers found ivory and jade in the mud when they were building roads there. What steps and decisions did they take?

Ask three groups to write down their steps on the blackboard and then collect all the steps and decisions on the blackboard. (write down)

1. Ask the students to decide in which order steps and decisions are taken.

2. Ask the students to create different shapes for different types of action, for example: triangles for decisions, circles for the discoveries, boxes for things that are going on and diamonds when calling in other people.

3. Then ask the students to draw the arrows to show the direction of the flow.

4. Ask the students to check for missing steps.

Show the example on the screen

Step 7. Homework

Chengdu Plains has a long history. The ground contains cultural relics and important archaeological objects almost everywhere. Make a poster showing a flow chart of the things you should do when you have discovered some old things in the ground.

Individual activity. Enjoy the pictures and answer the questions

Individual activity.

Read quickly and fill in the form. Enjoy the pictures

Individual activity.

Read quickly and fill in the form. Look at the map and make it sure where they are.

Listen and finish the task

Watch the video.

Group activity.

Discuss in a group and share the information

Group activity.

Discuss in a group ,write down the steps and report to the class

Group leaders write down their steps on the blackboard.

Group activity.

Discuss and finish the task step by step following the tips





评价与反思(assessment and reflection)


1. Have all the teaching aims been reached? _________________

1. Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? ________________

2. What can be improved? _______________________


1. What impressed me most in the class? ________________

2. what haven’t I understood yet? ________________

3. In what aspect do I need improvement? ________________


Class: Name: Score:

Items Understandable 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Creative 5 4 3 2 1

Active 5 4 3 2 1

Cooperative 5 4 3 2 1

Others 5 4 3 2 1























课时安排 3课时




















二十六七岁以前 与样林结婚。

二十六七岁 春上死了丈夫。冬初逃出家中,经卫老婆子介绍,到鲁镇做工。

二十七八岁 春上改嫁。年底生阿毛。阿毛一岁。

二十-岁 阿毛两岁。丈夫患伤寒死去。

二十九或三十岁 阿毛三岁。

三十或三十一—岁 四岁的阿毛春上被狼衔去。秋天经卫老婆子介绍,回到鲁镇做工。祭祀时很闲,只烧火。年底柳妈建议她去土地庙捐门槛。

三十—二岁 近秋到土地庙捐门槛。冬季祭祖时节,仍不让她拿酒杯和筷子。

三十二三岁 头发花白,记忆尤其坏。

三十三四岁 可能被赶出鲁四老爷家。


三十五六岁 沦落为乞丐。


三十七八岁 腊月二十四夜里或二十五凌晨离开人世。












































So + be/can/do/have…+ S

① So + S + be/can/do/have…

Neither/nor + be… + S

eg: 1. He can ride bike, and so can I . She studies hard; so do you.

Tom is an honest boy; so is John. You have been to Beijing, and so have I .

2.It is fine today; so it is. You study hard, and so you do.

3.She hasn’t been to HK; neither/nor have I .

If you don’t go to the concert, neither shall I .

ex: 1.I like sports and my brother.

A. so does B. so is C. so D. so like

2.He can't drive a car , .

A. so can't I B. can't I either C.I can't too D. neither can I

3.She is not fond of cooking, I.

A. so am B. nor am C. neither do D. nor do

4.Helen doesn't like milk and .

A. so I don't B. so don't I C. either I do D. neither do I

5.-Did you enjoy that trip ? -I'm afraid not.And ______________.

A. my classmates don't either B. my classmates don't too

C. neither do my classmates D. neither did my classmates

6.-I don't think I can walk any further . - ;Let's stop here for a rest .

A. Neither am I B. Neither can I C.I don't think so D.I think so

7.-John won the first prize in the contest. - .

A. So he did B. So did he C. So he did, too D. So did he, too

8.After that we never saw her again, nor from her.

A. did we hear B. we heard C. had we heard D. we have heard

9.-Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?-I don't know, .(S91)

A. nor don't I care B. nor do I care C.I don't care neither D.I don't care also

10.-David has made great progress recently. - ,and .(S97)

A. So he has ; so you have B. So he has ; so have you

C. So has he ; so have you D. So has he ; so you have

11.- You forgot your purse when you went out. –Good heavens, _______ . (S02)

A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did

Introduce sb. / oneself to sb.

②. introduce sth. to sb.

be introduce into/to…

eg:1. I’d like to introduce my friend Jane to you. Would you like to introduce yourself to us?

Marxism was introduced to China at the beginning of last century.

ex: He seems to _____ Jane. Shee knows him well.

A. introduce to B. be introducing to C. be introduced to D. have been introduced

In one’s opinion: In my opinion, you’d better introduce your partner to me.

in the opinion of sb. In the opinion of most people, the meeting is of great importance.

go on doing sth.: They often went on reading till midnight.

④ go on to do sth: After he finished writing the letter, he went on to read the text.

go on with sth: After supper, her mother told her to go on with her homework.

What’s going on over there?

ex: Go on the other exercise after you have finished this one.

A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing

too much: She talked too much at the meeting. Last night, I drank too much beer.

⑤ He is much too fat, because he always eats too much.

much too: This book is much too expensive for me.

ex: 1.It was late to catch a bus after the party, therefore we called a taxi.(S95)

A. too very B. much too C. too much D. far

2. Allen had to call a taxi because the box was ______ to carry all the way home. (03)

A. much too heavy B. too much heavy C. heavy too much D. too heavy much

have sb. do sth. He has me clean the room.

⑥ have sb./ sth. doing (sth) They had the machines running all the time. 使;让

have + n/ pron + p.p She will have her watch repaired.

have sth. to do I have some letters to answer. (有)

ex: 1.-Good morning. Can I help you ? -I'd like to have this package ,madam.(89)

A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed

2.The old lady had a letter from her youngest son in the army ____ to her.

A. read B. write C. received D. written

3.-I’d like to go shopping with you, but I have a meeting _____ . -If you don’t go, _______. A. to attend; nor will I B. to attend; so do I C. attending; so will I D. attend; neither will I

4. He didn't keep on asking me the time any longeras he had had his watch .

A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair (S93)

prefer sth. to sth. I prefer chemistry to physics.

⑦ prefer doing sth to doing sth. She prefers watching TV to seeing films.

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. He prefers to stay at home rather than go out .

ex: 1.Rather than on a crowded bus, he always prefers ______a bicycle.(94)

A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride ; riding

2.The teacher _____ giving lectures to students ____ invited to meetings sometimes.

A. preferred; to being B. preferred to; rather than

C. preferred; than being D. preferred to; to being

⑧ It’s one’s turn to do sth.: It’s your turn to do the cleaning.

by the way; on the / one’s way (to) / in this way / in the way

⑨. a way to do sth. He has a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.

a way of doing sth. He has a strange way to make his class lively and interesting.

ex: Please tell me the way you thought of ______ the garden.

A. to take care of B. being taken care of C. to be taken care of D. taking care of

⑩give one’s regards/best wishes/love to sb.

as a result: He had some bad fish. As a result, he felt ill this morning.

as a/the result of: As a result of his hard work, he got a pay rise.

result in: His carelessness resulted in an accident.

result from: The accident resulted from his carelessness.









































难点: 面角的.平面角的作法









Unit 13 The mystery of the moonstone

话题:Talking about the mystery.

词汇:reception, considerate, cigar, splendid, astonish, coincidence, tension, elegant, bachelor, prescription, drawer, theft, religious, stubborn, enquiry, assistance, vital. guilty, stain, banquet, convince, assume, cancel, meanwhile, remark, innocent, commit, straightforward, roundabout

Maybe you could… You ought to…

If I were you I'D. .. Why don't you…?

It might be a good idea if you… Have you thought about…?

I suggest you… You must…

in an act of revenge =in order to revenge

pass on… to sb. =hand sth. down to sb.

fasten… to…

be stubborn in doing…=insist on doing s

turn out (to be) guilty / that…

be desperate for sth/ to do sth…

= in great need of sth/ to do sth

have no choice but to do…

do nothing but do…

can't help but do…

can not choose but…

16. be considerate of/ to/toward …对…体贴 17. be astonished at / to do…

18. be guilty about/ over/for/of…

19. be cursed with …

20. be convinced of/ that…坚信……

21. be mistaken about sth/sb. 弄错

22. prove sth. to sb. 证实……

prove to sb. that…

take the trouble to do sth…

pay a high price for…

be engaged in politics/ business

26. as for…=with regard to sb. /sth

When he died he left the Moonstone to his sister's daughter, in an act of revenge, passing on his bad fortune to her.

His move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with Rachel.

Is it coincidence or is it the moonstone's bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening?

Franklin's reply that doctors just guess which drug they should recommend, makes Dr Candy extremely angry.

The detective believes that she may have taken the diamond either from force of habit or to cause a disagreement between Rachel and Franklin.

Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she doe not want the mystery to be solved.

I was convinced that she had taken her own diamond, and that Rosanna had assisted her.

Step 1 Pre-reading:

1.What do you already know about the story The Moonstone?

2.How many main characters in the novel? Who are they?

Characters :

Rachel Verinder : a beautiful and wealthy young woman, who lives with her mother and several servants in a fine house in England.

Godfrey: a successful bachelor with many lady admirers, who asks Rachel to marry him .

Franklin Blake: Rachel’s childhood friend.

Dr. Candy: a local doctor who has a quarrel with Franklin about a prescription.

The Indians They follow the Moonstone around the world wait for an opportunity to take it back .

Rosanna: Rachel’s maid who seems fond of Franklin.

Make the students try summing up the main ideas of some paragraphs, then show them some suggested ones.

Para 1 : sth about the moonstone

Para 2: some information about Rachel

Para 3 : the tension and strange things caused by the moonstone

Para 4 : sth happened at Rachel’s birthday party

Para 5 : the miss of the moonstone and Sergeant Cuff’s discovering

Analyse the structure of the passage:

Part 1 ---- Paragraph 1 : How Rachel gets the Moonstone as her present.

Part 2 ---- Paragraph 2: Rachel’s happy life before her eighteenth birthday party.

Part 3 ---- Para 3-4: What happens at the party.

Part 4 ---- Para 5: the Moonstone is missing and Sergeant Cuff is asked to investigate the case.

Part 5 ---- Para 6-9: how Sergeant Cuff analyse the case

Part 6 ---- Para.10 the last paragraph: Sergeant Cuff finds a vital clue of the theft ---- a smear in the wet paint on the door.

1.Who gave Rachel the Moonstone ?Why did he give it to her ?Where did her uncle get the Moonstone ?

Rachel’s uncle gave her the Moonstone .He wanted to pass on his bad fortune to her in an act of revenge .He stole the diamond from the temple in India.

2.What happened to the diamond after the birthday party ?

It was gone .

Sergeant Cuff thought many people might have stolen the diamond .Who do you think stole the diamond ?

1.Why did the man who stole the Moonstone give it to his sister’s daughter ?

A. Because he wanted to help her

B. Because he had no other relatives

C. Because he wanted to pass on his bad fortune to her

2. Why did Franklin quit smoking ?

A. Because smoking damaged his health

C. Because he wanted to please Rachel

3. Why did Godfrey ask Rachel to marry him ?

A. Because he wanted to get the Moonstone because of his heavy debt

C. Because he didn’t wish Rachel to marry Franklin

D. Because he wanted to destroy her family

4. The word “ vital ” is closest in meaning to ______ .

A. deadly B. important C. curious D. clear

5. Why didn’t Rachel answer the detective’s question ?

A. Because she loved him and she wanted to protect him

B. Because she didn’t see him move the Moonstone

C. She was afraid of being killed by Franklin

6. Who moved the Moonstone at night ?

A. Dr. Candy B. Franklin C. Godfrey D. Rachel’s mother

7. You can find out the topic of the text simply from ______ .

A. the title B. the first paragraph

C. the second paragraph D. the last paragraph

8. When did the real story of the Moonstone take place ?

A. In the 1890s B. In the 1790s C. In the 1840s D. In the 1800s

9. In your opinion , who might kill Godfrey ?

A. Franklin B. Dr. Candy C. Rachel D. The Indians

10. How many people saw Franklin move the Moonstone to his bedroom ?

Step 4 Post-reading:

1. Rachel’s birthday party was not a success. Why not?

Several arguments and strange things happened: Godfrey proposed marriage to Rachel and was turned down, Franklin argued with Mr. Candy, and Indian entertainers arrived but gave poor entertainment. The passage also suggests a reason why the party was not successful might be the bad luck of the Moonstone.

Why did Sergeant Cuff think Franklin might have stolen the diamond?

He is enthusiastic to help the investigation even though this makes Rechel very angry. Is he covering up hid guilt?

A list about the suspects and reasons :

They followed the Moonstone around the world waiting for an opportunity to take it back to India .

He might have stolen the Moonstone as revenge for loss of face ,because Rachel turned down his proposal of marriage .

As with Godfrey, he lost face because of the quarrelling with Franklin.

Perhaps she had debts that needed to be paid .

She might have taken the diamond either from force of habit ,for she was a thief before Rachel’s mother gave her a job or cause a disagreement between Rachel and Franklin

He gave the detective assistance.His enthusiasm was the reason why he was suspected ,because it was not his business.

Step 5 What are the main clue of the story?

The detective story develops completely following the structure: the appearance of the Moonstone (receiving from Rachel’s uncle) ---- the loss of the Moonstone ---- the investigation of the Moonstone (and the person who might have stolen it )---- discovery of the truths or facts.

Integrating Skills Solving the mystery of the moonstone

In reading part, sergeant cuff had several suspects and it was difficult for him to make certain who was the theft. For the sake of the clue mentioned by cuff, can you guess the real theft?

Scan the passage and make out how the story develops:

Part 1---- Paras 1-2: how puzzled Sergeant Cuff was at the case before he knew the truth.

Part 2---- Paras3-7: the things that happened after the diamond had been stolen.

Part 3----Paras 8-9: the result of the case: Sergeant Cuff discovered the thief.

Part 4----: the feeling and thoughts Sergeant Cuff has about the case.

Step 2 Read the passage and finish the exercise

Get the students to read the passage and ask some questions:

1.Who was it that wrote the passage? _______

A Rachel B Rosanna C Franklin D the sergeant

2. Why did Rachel cancel the wedding after her accepting Godfrey? Because _____

A Rachel never loved him that much.

B Rachel sensed Godfrey loved her great wealth extremely. C The Indians attacked Godfrey.

3. According to the text, who made the sergeant not suspect Franklin any more?______

A Rachel and Rosanna B Dr. Candy C Franklin himself and Dr. Candy

4. We are told who the real theft was.__________

A Rachel and Franklin B the Indians C Godfrey D. Sergeant Cuff

5.Which one is correct in the following?

A Godfrey bought the moonstone at a high price.

B Sergeant Cuff didn’t know the reason for Godfrey’s death so he wasn’t a professional detective.

C The moonstone was gone without any cause at last.

D The passage is about how the sergeant finished the case of the moonstone.

Language points : 1. The novel the Moonstone is set in England in 1848, but the story really began 50 years later. Set: 设置(书本,戏剧,电影等)背景。如: The book is set in France in the eighteenth century. 这部书是以18世纪的法国为背景的。 This novel is set in the gold rush. 这部小说是以淘金热为背景的。 Set 其他意思: He set his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的手上。 Please set the table for dinner. 请摆好餐桌准备就餐。 Have you set the time for the meeting?你们把开会时间定下来了吗?

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起在西方落下。 He set a diamond in a ring. 他把一块宝石镶嵌在戒指上。 2. curse n. 诅咒, 咒语, 祸根, 祸因 vt. 诅咒, 咒骂, 降祸, 使受罪 Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。 Foxes can be a curse to farmers. 狐狸可给农民带来祸害。 It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse. 我们有必要来评断电视到底是福还是祸。 Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race. {William Ewart Gladstone} 自私是人类最大的祸根(威廉尤尔特格拉德斯通)

V. She cursed him for ruining her life.她诅咒他破坏了她的生活。

She was cursed with stammer all her life.她一生受口吃之苦。

3. as the story develops … As 意思是“随着”。 如: As time went by, he began to realize that he should have studied hard.

随着时间的推移, 她开始意识到他本该好好学习的。

As 其他用法(作为连词) a.像……一样He doesn't like skating as much as he used to.他不像以前那么. 喜欢滑冰了。

b.照……方式I have told the story just as it happened.我已如实讲了这件事。C.因为,既然 As you object, I’ll reconsider the plan. 既然你反对,我就重新考虑一下这个计划。

d.虽然 Much as I like the book, I can't afford to buy it.4. to …degree达到。。。的程度 He was interested in his work to such a degree that he thought about nothing else. 他对工作如此感兴趣,以致于他从来不想别的事情。 To a certain degree he likes his job. 在某种程度上他喜欢他的工作。

Chinese fans love Yao Ming to the degree that they will try to watch any match that Yao Ming competes in.

To what degree are you fond of botany?5. guilty 惭愧(about),有过失的,有罪责的(of) I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. 我因没有常去看望父母而感到内疚。 John had a guilty look on his face. John 脸上显出惭愧的表情。 The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. 陪审团裁决被告无罪。 We’ve all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives.

我们每个人都有过自私自利的过失。 6. resist 抵制,阻挡 The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. 银行强烈反对降低利率。 (用于否定句) 忍住,抵挡 He couldn’t resist showing off his new car. 他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。

7. .considerate adj. 考虑周到的, 体谅的,体贴的 consider v. consideration n.

considering prep.& conj. 考虑到,就…而言

be considerate toward/of /to sb.

It is /was considerate of sb to do

①He is always polite and considerate towards his employees.

②It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.

③He bought his car at a considerable expense

④She is very active , considering her age.

⑤When marking Dan’s exam papers, the teacher took his long illness into consideration.

⑥The award is considered a great honor.

8. convince v. 使信服,使坚信,使确信;说服 convinced adj. convincing adj.

convince sb/oneself of sth.

sb.that clause…

convince sb. to do = persuade sb to do


He convinced me of his innocence.


What convinced you to vote for them?

9.assume v.假定,假设,认为; 承担(责任),就职;呈现;假装

assume responsibility/office/a smile/an air of concern


It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.


We assume him to be innocent before hearing the evidence against it.

10. meanwhile adv./n. 同时, 其间,(两方面)对比之下 The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible. Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects.

压力对你的健康非常有害,而锻炼会减少这种害处。 in the meanwhile 在此其间,与此同时 I hope to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry. 我希望最终能上医学院,这其间我打算学化学。 11. desperate 冒险的,绝望的, The prisoners grew increasingly desperate. 非常需要,渴望 ~ (for sth)| ~ (to do sth) He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything. I was absolutely desperate to see her. 12。 While 用法 while 表示让步,通常位于句首,意思是“尽管;虽然”。又如: While I agree with your reasons, I can’t allow it. 尽管我同意你的理由,但我不允许你这样做。 While he loves his stuents, he is very strict with them. 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对学生们很严格。 While 其他用法归纳如下: 1)引导时间状语从句,意思是“当。。。的时候,和。。。同时”。从句中谓语通常是延续性动词。 如:Mary watched TV while she ate her supper. 玛丽边吃饭边看电视。 While she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep. 她听着收音机睡着了。 2)表示对比或转折,意思是“而,然而”。此时,while 一般谓语句中。 如: Some people waste food while others haven’t enough. 有人浪费粮食,而有人却吃不饱。 高考相关: I do every single bit of housework ____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A since B while C when D as

(2) adj. 无邪的,天真烂漫的as innocent as baby 像婴儿般天真

(3) n. innocence 无辜 His friends proved his innocence.

He is a stubborn boy who won’t obey his mother.他是一个固执的孩子,他不会听母亲的话的。

Tom is stubborn in accepting new things.汤姆不容易接受新鲜事物。

The lock is rather stubborn; it needs oiling.这把锁相当难开它需要加油了。

He was caught in the act of pickpocket(扒窃). 16. astonish (1) vt. 使惊讶,使惊愕常用于被动语态,不用于进行时

The news astonished everybody. 这消息令大家惊讶。

(2) vi. 被…惊讶I was astonished at/to hear the loud sound.

adj. 惊讶的 astonished adj. 令人惊讶的 astonishing n. 惊奇,惊愕 astonishment

to one’s astonishment 令人感到惊讶的是…

To my astonishment, the dog jumped at me suddenly.

(A)Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases

1.The police made _____________ about the stolen car.

2.Don’t make rude _____________ about her appearance.

3. The medicines are not available without a ________________.(药方)

4.What a _______________! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.

5. She can be as _____________ as a mule.

6 He was set free , for he was found ______________of any crime.

7. We feel some ______________ before we take the exam.

8. When we went to visit her, she happened to be out. We wrote a note and _________it______ the door.

9. The novel ______________ France in the eighteenth century.

10. He was interested in his work ___________________ that he thought about nothing else.

11. Be good to me and don’t ______________________me. I had my hair cut off and sold it out of love for you.

12. Frightened by the two robbers with guns in their hands , the little girl ____________________ cry.

1. ____ it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?

A. Pretending B. Thinking C. Assuming D. Believing

2. He was put in prison. He______ a crime.

A. must commit B. must have committed C. should have committed D. might commit

3. He makes it ______ if this is one of the most delicious meals _____ he has ever enjoyed.

A. seems like, that B. seem as, that C. seemed as, which D. seem like, which

4. Give the book to _____ would like to read it.

A. no matter who B. anyone C .whoever D. whomever

5. It is _____ of you to turn down the radio while I was asleep.

A. considerate B. considerable C. considered D. considering

6. It was hard to _____ you that we could not afford a new car.

A. persuade B. suggest C. convince D. advise

7.The meeting is beginning at 8 o’clock. ________ let’s make some preparations for it.

A. At the same time B. While C. During D. Meanwhile

8.If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off____.

A. a price B. price C. the price D. prices

9.The discovery of new evidence led to ____.

A. the thief having caught B. the thief being caught C. catch the thief D. the thief to be caught

10.---Where will they meet?

---They are ___ to meet in Beijing.

A. suggested B. hoped C. engaged D。insisted

11.Those who suffer depression are likely to ___ suicide.

12.___from this point of view, the question will be of great importance.

A. Considered B. Considering C. Consider D. To consider

13.I have been making some ___ about it.

A. inquiry B. inquiries C. inquire D. enquire

14. As a Chinese saying goes, it is never too late to ___ for a man.

A. revenge B. revenge others C. revenge oneself D. revenge for oneself

15.I _____ that we were doing the right thing.

A. was believed B. was convinced C. was no doubt D. persuaded

16. The Chinese film,____ Tang Dynasty, is well received by many foreign viewers.

A. is set in B. setting in C. set in D. be set in

17 .__ no one has thought of this before.

A. I astonish that B. I am astonishing C. It astonishes me that D. It is astonished that

18..I find it quite___ that none of you likes play.

A. astonished B. astonishment C. astonishing D. astonish










在现代汉语中,一般只有时间名词才能用作状语,普通名词用作状语的很少见。而在古代汉语中,不但 时间名词可以作状语,普通名词作状语的现象也极为常见,很值得我们注意。
















使动用法中的谓语动词,有的是由名词、形容词活用来的。由于原来的词类不同,活用作使动以后,它 们所表示的语法意义也不完全相同。

动词和它的宾语不是一般的支配与被支配的关系,而是使宾语所代表的人或事产生这个动词所表示  的动作行为。










使动用法是主语使宾语在客观上产生某种动作行为,而意动用法是主语主观上认为(或以为)宾语具有谓语所表示的内容,是存于意念的想法或看法,客观上不一定如此。一般可译为“认为��”、“以��为 ”等。





Teaching aims:

1. Develop the students’abilities of listening,speaking and reading

2. Learn the new words and Master some drills

Teaching aids: a tape recorder,some slides for shows,

exercises for Lesson 3,pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Revision

Revise the reading passageCheck the homework

Ask “What’s your full name? What do your parents call you for short?”in pairs

Step 2: Presentation

Remind the students how to address English speaking people.

Write a name on the Bb: David William Lewis

First time: Pleased to meet you, Mr Lewis

Good friend: David / Dave

Repeat with Catherine Mary Jones

First time: Mrs Jones

Good friends: David / Dave

Step 3 : Practice

Point out the full and short forms of names

Practise a small dialogue

Step 4 : Read and act

Ask the question“Where is Sun Huifang from?”before playing the tape

Read the dialogue then work in pairs, Act out the dialogue

Point out some phases

1. How about/What about…? 2 for short

3.Where are you from?=Where do you come from?

4.be short for 5.know a lot about… 6.only a little

Step 5: Ask and answer

Ask and answer the questions in pairs about the picture

What and where are they doing ?

Make sure the students are using the present continuous tense

Step 5: Exercises in class


1.Tuesday is the_____ day of the week.

2.Today is _____ 10th,Teachers'Day._____ Teachers'Day,Mr Wu!

3.In China,the last name is the _____ name.

4. We have fun _________ to the English songs.

Step 6: AssignmentMake a dialogue asking for and giving directions.

Blackboard Design

Lesson Three

the third lesson

David William Lewis 1.How about/What about..?

First time: Mr Lewis 2. Where are you from?

Good Friend: David/ Dave =Where do you come from?

3.be short for 4.know a lot about…


Unit 4

Teaching Goals:

l Talking about botany

l Speak about procedures

l Review a description of plants

Target language:

1. Important words and phrases

2. Important sentences

Ability Goals:

Enable the students to talk about botany and to say sth. about it.

Teaching important points:

Help the students learn to describe plants and how to grow and take care of them.

The contribution of the three important persons to the science of botany.

The meaning and the usage of the key words.

Teaching methods :

Asking-and-answering questions


Listening and speaking

Teaching procedures and ways:

StepⅠ Greetings

Greet the whole class ; Duty reports

Step Ⅱ Revision

Last week, we learned unit 3. This unit is about the only country in the world that covers an entire continent-Australia. It is a wealthy country, which produces metals, precious stones, coal, grain, meat and wines, and has the biggest iron mines in the world. Australia has the about one-sixth of the world’s sheep and produces almost one-third of its wool. The climate in Australia varies from north to south.

Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories. The first Australians were the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. The two world war had a strong influence on Australia. The official language is English, which is quite different from British and American English. However, do you know what the national flower of Australia is?-----Golden Wattle (Acacia ) 金合欢,又称相思树

Step Ⅲ Warming up

Look at the pictures and match each flower with its correct name. Which flower is your favorite? Explain why.

Picture 1: peony-- the Chinese national flower, native to China, is called as the “King of Flowers”, which is widely used in Chinese medicine.

Picture 2: tulip. Tulip is native to Central and Western Asia, and parts of the Middle East, roughly in the region near Afghanistan. Tulip is mainly used for decoration. Also, tulips are beautiful flowers and people often send them to their friends as presents.

Picture 3: rose. Rose is native to Southwest Asia. Roses are best presents to be sent to friends. And it is also very popular to send roses as love signal between young people. Red roses indicate warmth and love and white ones, purity and simplicity, blue ones, honesty and sincerity. Also, rose flower is a kind of important Chinese medicine.

Picture 4: sunflower. Sunflowers get their name because they always face the sun-turning to track the sun’s movement across the sky. Sunflower is a North American native. American Indians used sunflower as food and medicine.

Step Ⅳ listening

1.Listen to the tape and get the topic of the passage

1).This passage mainly deals with _______d_.

A. Flowers B. Grain C. Fruits

2).From this passage we know that_______b__.

A. People in the past had enough fruits to eat.

B. People on the voyages long ago couldn’t survive long on board, one of the main reasons was that they lacked fresh fruits and vegetables.

C. Captain Cook didn’t realise the importance of keeping ship and the crew members themselves clean and taking regular exercises.

2.Please judge the following statements as true or false.

( × )1. There were enough fruits in ancient Europe.

( × )2. Farmers in old England often got ill during the winter because they did not get enough exercises.

( √ )3 Fruit and vegetables could not be kept fresh for a very long time because they had not found ways to keep them.

( √ )4. The diet aboard ships consisted of salt meat, and hard biscuits. The sailors hardly ate any fresh vegetables or fruit.

( × )5. The discovery of Vitamin C made people realise that eating fresh vegetables and fruit could treat this disease.

Step Ⅴ Reading

Lead in:

Talk about the pictures:

Picture1: Coffee beans are used to make coffee. Coffee originally came from Africa, although coffee-drinking started in Arab countries. Coffee as a crop is now grown in subtropical regions, such as Latin America, Africa, Arabia, Indonesia, Hawaii, India and in Southeast Asia.

Subtropical: 亚热带的

热带的 :tropical

Picture 2: Tea is used to make tea. Tea originally came from China. Currently, the most important tea producing countries are China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka.

Currently:普遍地, 通常地, 现在, 当前

Picture 3: Chili is used as a spice to make food more tasty. Other than what some Chinese students may believe, chili is not originally from China, but from Latin America. Chili is grown in tropical countries all over the world.

Do you like chili?

Picture 4: Hemp is used to make rope or carpets. Hemp originally came from the Central Asia, and has been known to China for more than 10,000 years. The British spread hemp to all their colonies as its fibre was used to make sails and rope for their ships. It is now produced in all countries of the world.

fibre:纤维, 构造, 纤维制品, [植]须根

n Pre-reading

Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?

His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.


n Fast reading

1. How should we classify them scientifically?

By grouping plants in families.

2. who is the first to do this?

Carl Linnaeus

3. How many scientists are mentioned?

Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

4. How many voyages did James Cook make?

three voyages

Careful reading

1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.D

A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyone C.fully developed D.a branch of medicine

2. Some economic species plants such as____ could help to develop local economies.C

A.rose and peony B.tea and apple C.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon

3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.A

A.Joseph Banks B.Captain Cook C.Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .C

A.the importance of botany B.how to classify plant species into groups

C.Linnaeus’contribution to botany D.Linnaeus’discoveries about different species

5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world. C

A.one B.Two C.Three D.four

n The relationship among three persons.


1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?

When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

Step Ⅵ Language points:

Integrating skills


Find out the important people mentioned in the text.

Charles Darwin From England Gregor Mendel From Austria

Gote Turesson From Sweden

Choose the best answers according to the passage

1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_ . C

A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants

B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants

C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants

D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants

2. Darwin observed that the birds with _ _ would eat_ . B

A. small beaks l hard seeds B.broad beaks;hard seeds

C. hard beaks;hard seeds D.broad beaks;soft seeds

3.Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____ . C

A. the Endeavour B.Tahiti C.the Beagle D.space

4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that . D

A.the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment

B.the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand

C.the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment

D the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species .

5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________ . B

A.he was invited to join scientific expedition

B.he was interested in them

C.he could do a lot Of experiments

D.he wanted to finish his book“On the Origin of Species”

Fill in the following blanks

Scientist Research/experiment Result

Charles Darwin The wild life of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses There were differences between the species of the different islands’yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America’ differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

Gregor Mendel Flowers and peas Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.

Gote Turesson A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

The text can be divided into four parts

Part I Pa1-3: Darwin and his research.

Part II Pa4-5: Mendel and his experiment.

Part III Pa6: Turesson and his study

Part IV Pa7: the importance and significance of the research of the three.

Important sentences in the passage

1. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.

2. Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

3. As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that that influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

4. It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.

Translate the following phrases into English:

详细地 in detail 处于支配的地位,负责 in charge of

由……负责 in the charge of 任命某人为……appoint sb. as

将……分类成classify…into… 计算……之间的距离 calculate the distance between…

一代一代传下去pass on from one generation to the next 建于…;以…为基础be based on

参与; 陷入 ……的活动be involved in 根据;视……而定;按照according to

搜索;寻找 search for 总而言之 altogether

match…with (在品质;颜色;设计等方面)相等,相当,相配

at the age of 在……岁时 look out for 警惕;留心;守侯

on a large scale 大规模地;大范围地 year after year 年年;年复一年

pass away 逝世 name…after 给……取名;命名

take care of 关心;照顾 classify…into 分类;归类

develop a lifelong friendship with 与……结存了终生好朋友 born into 出生

have an appetite for knowledge 有求知欲 a great deal of 大量;许多(用于不可数名词)

lie in 在于 related to 与……有关

the key to 关键是(在于) adapt to 适应于

be sunken into 堕入 a bunch of flowers

at first sight lead a cosy life

make two more voyages be involved in

lead sb. to do sth. calculate the distance between

pass on from on generation to the next form the belief

in view adapt to the new environment


