
范文大全 > 教学计划






I. Introduction

As the English department head, I have prepared a comprehensive teaching plan for the next academic year. This plan is designed to provide the best learning experience for our students while adhering to the established educational principles and guidelines.

II. Goals and Objectives

The main objective of our English department is to provide our students with a comprehensive understanding of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, literature, and communication skills. We aim to help our students master the fundamentals of the language, and to advance their skills to a higher level.

III. Curriculum Overview

Our English curriculum will focus on the following topics:

1. Grammar – This includes the fundamentals of English grammar, sentence structure, and usage.

2. Vocabulary – We will teach students essential English vocabulary, including phrasal verbs, idioms, and English expressions used in daily life.

3. Literature – This is focused on the study of famous English-language works, including classic literature, contemporary novels, and poetry.

4. Communication Skills – We will help students develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to communicate more effectively.

IV. Teaching Strategies and Techniques

Our department will use a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of our students, including:

1. Lectures – We will provide engaging and informative lectures to help students understand the fundamentals of English.

2. Interactive activities – This includes group discussions, role-playing games, and other interactive activities that will help students practice their communication skills.

3. Writing assignments – We will assign writing assignments to help students practice their writing skills and express their thoughts more clearly.

4. Multimedia – We will incorporate multimedia elements, such as videos and audio recordings, to help students deepen their understanding of the English language.

V. Professional Development

As the English department head, I understand the importance of staying current with the latest teaching methods and techniques. I will encourage our department teachers to participate in professional development opportunities, attend conferences, and engage in ongoing education to maintain our department's high standards of teaching.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, our English department will provide a comprehensive curriculum and engaging teaching methods to help our students master the English language. We will incorporate a variety of teaching techniques and provide ample opportunities for professional development to ensure our teachers are knowledgeable and effective educators.





1. 提高学生的听、说、读、写、译等综合技能。

2. 帮助学生学习英语语法,掌握基本的英语句型,使其逐步熟练运用。

3. 培养学生的英语阅读兴趣,扩大视野,提高阅读水平和阅读速度。

4. 提高学生的英语口语能力,注重交际能力的培养,使学生在日常交际中能够自信、准确地运用英语。

5. 提高学生的英语考试技能和应对能力。



1. 英语基础知识部分。包括:英语语法、词汇、常用句型等。

2. 英语听力技巧部分。包括:听力技巧、听力训练、听力笔记等。

3. 英语口语表达部分。包括:口语训练、口语表达技巧、口语考试应对、口语会话等。

4. 英语阅读部分。包括:课外阅读、课内阅读、阅读测试等。

5. 英语写作部分。包括:写作教学、写作技巧、写作评估等。



1. 形成有效的课堂互动模式,鼓励学生在课堂上积极思考并主动参与讨论。

2. 运用先进的教学技术手段,如多媒体、网络等,开展多样化的教学活动,增强教学的趣味性和吸引力。

3. 建立良好的学习氛围,鼓励学生相互合作,在学习过程中形成有效的团队合作精神。

4. 调整教学内容和方法,根据学生的能力、喜好、兴趣和学习需求进行差异化教学。

5. 通过英语角、电影分享、阅读课、写作课等活动,开展英语实践活动,提高学生的英语语言综合素质和交际能力。



1. 以学生为主体,以听、说、读、写、译等多种形式进行综合考评,注重考核学生的综合素质和运用能力。

2. 注重平时职业评估,评估包含师生互评、同学评估、写作评估等,通过评估激发学生学习动力和学习自觉性。

3. 通过定期考试和模拟考试等形式,及时了解学生的英语学习情况,并根据评估结果采取针对性的教学措施,帮助学生逐步提高英语语言能力和交际能力。






1. 培养学生基本的英语听、说、读、写的能力;

2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使其在语言学习中获得自信和乐趣;

3. 培养学生良好的学习习惯和信息获取能力;

4. 培养跨文化交流的能力。


1. 教学中将重点培养学生的语言运用能力,以学生实际的交际需求为基础,培养学生初步的交流技能;

2. 课程内容将注重培养学生口语表达能力,扩大学生的词汇量,提高学生的语音、语调和语音韵律;

3. 在课程内容中加强阅读、写作能力的培养,让学生更好地掌握英语表达技巧和写作规范;

4. 逐步引入英语文学和文化内容,让学生感受到英语的文化魅力和深刻内涵。


1. 采用“任务驱动”教学法,让学生通过完成任务来提高语言运用能力;

2. 基于学生的实际需求和兴趣,采用互动式教学方法,开展各类语言活动,如口语、辩论、角色扮演、演讲等;

3. 教学中注重运用多媒体教学手段,比如说录音、视频等让学生更好的感受英语语言环境,以提高听说能力;

4. 提供丰富的资源,并引导学生运用多种途径和渠道学习英语;


1. 采用多形式、多方法、多角度的评估手段,如平时测验、期中、期末等阶段性评估和班级、小组、个人的评估;

2. 及时反馈学生成绩,发现并鼓励优秀学生,及时关注薄弱环节,帮助学生纠错;

3. 培养学生的自主评价能力,让学生明白自己的成绩与努力程度之间的关系。


1. 建立教师与学生互动式的英语学习环境,注重培养学生的自主学习能力;

2. 引导学生大量阅读英文原版书籍,开阔学生视野和提升学生语感;

3. 开展英语文化体验,如听英语歌曲、看英文电影等,让学生更好的感受英语文化;

4. 与外国学校、英语机构建立联系,采取互换生等方式与外国学生交流,增加学生英语学习的机会。


English Department Teaching Plan


The English Department Teaching Plan is designed to provide guidance for teachers and students in achieving excellence in English Language learning. It acknowledges the importance of the English Language in contemporary society and aims to provide learners with the skills and knowledge required to achieve proficiency in both spoken and written English.

The English Department Teaching Plan aims to promote a positive and proactive learning environment, with a focus on continuous improvement in teaching and learning outcomes. It is designed to be flexible, adaptable and responsive to student needs, providing differentiated learning experiences to cater to individual differences in language proficiency and learning styles.

Teaching Goals

The teaching goals of the English Department Teaching Plan are to:

1. Develop students’ ability to communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing.

2. Develop students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to analyze and evaluate written and spoken text.

3. Foster a love of reading and appreciation of literature.

4. Provide opportunities for authentic language use and cultural immersion.

5. Develop students’ understanding and appreciation of English-speaking cultures around the world.

Curriculum Content

The curriculum content of the English Department Teaching Plan is structured to cover a range of language skills and competencies, including:

1. Vocabulary development, including the acquisition of academic and functional language.

2. Grammar and syntax, including the mastery of complex sentence structures.

3. Reading and comprehension, including the ability to analyze and evaluate written text.

4. Writing, including the production of a variety of genres and styles of writing.

5. Listening and speaking, including the development of listening and conversational skills.

6. Culture and literature, including exploration of literature, art, music, and other forms of cultural expression.

Teaching Strategies

The English Department Teaching Plan employs a range of teaching strategies to cater to the diverse needs of learners, including:

1. Explicit instruction, including direct teaching of language rules and structures.

2. Collaborative learning, including group work and peer-to-peer interactions.

3. Inquiry-based learning, including problem-solving and critical thinking activities.

4. Differentiated instruction, including individualized interventions and modifications to cater to individual differences in learning styles and abilities.

5. Authentic language use, including the use of real-life situations and contexts to promote language acquisition.

6. Technology integration, including the use of digital resources and multimedia to enhance learning experiences.

Assessment and Evaluation

The English Department Teaching Plan adopts a formative approach to assessment and evaluation, with a focus on providing timely and specific feedback to students that enables them to adjust and improve their learning outcomes. Formative assessment strategies include:

1. Peer assessment, including peer editing and review of written work.

2. Self-assessment, including reflective journaling and self-evaluation of language proficiency.

3. Teacher feedback, including feedback on individual assignments and ongoing evaluation of student progress.

Summative evaluation is also employed to provide a snapshot of student learning outcomes at specific points in the learning journey.


The English Department Teaching Plan provides a comprehensive framework for English Language learning that is designed to support students in their journey towards becoming proficient English users. It acknowledges the importance of language proficiency in contemporary society and provides the tools and supports needed to enable learners to excel. With a focus on formative assessment and continuous improvement, the English Department Teaching Plan is designed to provide learners with the skills and knowledge required to achieve success in their any career that requires English proficiency.






1. 全面提高学生的英语语音、语法、词汇、听说读写四个方面的综合应用能力

2. 提高学生的跨文化交际能力,培养学生的国际化视野和跨文化沟通能力

3. 培养学生英语思维能力、提高学生自学能力和创新能力,减轻学生的考试负担

4. 培养学生情感素质,促进学生德、智、体、美的全面发展


1. 阅读与写作:通过阅读理解和写作练习,提升学生的词汇量、语法水平和语言结构的理解和应用能力,并加强学生对英美文化和风土人情的了解。

2. 听力与口语:通过听力训练和口语练习,提升学生的英语听说能力,并培养学生的跨文化交际意识和交际能力,以更好地适应全球化的社会发展趋势。

3. 技能拓展:通过拓展学生的技能,加强学生的自学、创新、协作和领导能力,培养学生的团队意识和领导力,进而为学生的就业和职业发展打下坚实基础。


1. 项目教学法:以项目为主线,以学生为中心,通过多种教学方式培养学生的综合应用能力和跨文化交际能力,使学生能够在不同的语言环境下自如地运用英语,形成语言思维模式。

2. 科技教育法:利用多种媒体、网络等科技手段,使学生在更大范围内接触英语,体验全球化背景下的跨文化交际,改变传统的教学方式,创新英语教学模式。

3. 多元化教育法:结合实际应用场景,采用多元化的教学方法,开展各种课外活动与文化交流活动、参与竞赛和展示等,加强学生的实践操作能力和阅读能力,更好地激发学生的兴趣和学习动力。


1. 综合测试:通过编制综合测试题,全面测试学生的英语听、说、读、写能力,并结合实际应用场景等要素,来评判学生综合运用能力。

2. 百分制评分:将学生的学习成果以百分制来量化,对每个学生的英语学习、英语思维和跨文化交际能力进行评价,以吸引学生的积极参与和发挥潜力。

3. 个性化评价:根据不同学生的特点和表现,进行个性化评价和规划,针对学生的问题,制定针对性的学习计划,推动学生个性化发展和整体素质提升。


1. 制定课程教学计划,明确教学目标和教学内容。

2. 制定学生评估方案,建立健全的学生档案,为学生的综合评价提供数据支持。

3. 组织师资力量,开展英语教育培训和教学团队建设工作,提高教师综合素质和教学水平。

4. 制定教学方法,选拔英语辅导员,协助教师科学教学计划的兑现,促进学生个性化发展和素质提升。

5. 进行教学实验和教学评估,总结教学经验,完善教学计划,推动教学改革和发展。




