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Unit 12 I can swim (Ⅱ)


1、 课标要求掌握的单词: run, dance 及拓展单词:fly 。

2、 课标要求掌握的句型:Can you …? Yes, I can. I can … 及拓展句型:No, I can’t.


知识目标:学习某人能干什么的日常交际用语。句功能句:①I can … ②Can you …? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.2.

能力目标:掌握基本句型 I can…. Can you …? Yes, I can.学习扩展句No, I can’t. 拓展词汇:fly。能进行交际,培养语言综合运用的能力。

情感目标:激发学生主动了解周围同学的事情,善于用语言进行表达,富有关心他人的童心;在活动过程培养学生合作的意识。鼓励学生大胆用英语、说英语的意识。 激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

教学重点:单词run dance 句型I can …. Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.


教学准备:单词卡片, 多媒体课件,调查表, 动物头饰或动物图片


一、 Warming up

Nod your head. Yes, yes, yes. Shake your head. No, no, no.

Raise your hand. One, two, three. Put your hand down.

Hands back, please. Look at me. Listen to me, please.



二、 Review

1、 复习已学动物单词 (单词卡片)

教师展示动物卡片,What’s this?

2、 复习已学句子: Can you jump? Yes, I can. (播放课件)

⑴ Say the rhyme together.

T:An elephant can walk. Can you walk?

P:Yes, I can.



⑵ 教学拓展单词fly及拓展句型 No, I can’t.

① 教师课件展示 :一只展翅飞翔的小鸟。 (播放课件)

T: Now, look! What’s this? T: A bird can fly. Fly, fly, fly.

P:It’s a bird. P: A bird can fly. Fly, fly, fly.

T: Can you fly? 学生有可能不会回答或者只会说 No.

教师解释:会就说Yes, I can. 不会就说 No, I can’t.


② 操练 :Can you fly? No, I can’t. (多种形式)


一)、 run / dance

1、run (播放课件)

T: Now, look! What’s this? T: A lion can run. Run, run, run. 单词卡片学习run

T: Can you run?

P: Yes, I can.

T: Run, please! Ps run.

Practice:Can you run? Yes, I can.

2、 dance (方法同上) (播放录像)

T: What can you see? They are very happy. The animals dance well.


3、Play a game

二)、Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. (访问活动)


1. 教师做访问示范: Hello, !Can you jump? …(用实物投影)




三)、Sentence pattern I can… (播放视频)

1.You are so good! 同学们都能很棒。那如果请你来介绍你都有什么本领的话,你应该怎么说呢? Look carefully. 让我们一起看看这位小同学是怎么说的怎么做的吧!


I can jump… …

3.Practice:学生边说边做动作 I can swim. … …

4.动物技能大赛 (播放课件展示一幅图)

春天来了,小动物们都跑出来享受美好的春天,它们要举行一场技能大比赛。Now look, please.

教师戴上头饰示范:I’m a bird. I can fly. 请戴上你的头饰装扮成你喜欢的小动物都来参加吧!看看谁的表演生动?


②学生在小组里活动,戴自制头饰,边表演边说:I’m a dog. I can run. …


四、Sing a song

今天我们学习了用“I can….”表达自己的本领, 把它放到歌谣里。

Let’s sing together. Please sing and do the action.


sing (播放课件Unit 7 Say the rhyme A little, little bird)

T: The little bird can sing. Can you sing? Sing, please! 学生唱学过的英文歌曲。

十、 Homework:


十一、Teacher’s writing:

Unit 12 I can swim. (Ⅱ)

run ①Yes, I can.

Can you …. ?

fly ②No, I can’t.



一、 教材、学情分析

1. 教材分析:本课为北师大版一年级下册学生活动手册Unit12 I can swim 的第二课时。本单元主要词汇有5个动词:jump, run, walk, swim, dance;4个名词an X-ray, a yo-yo, a zebra, a zoo。主要的功能句有⑴.Can you …? Yes, I can. ⑵.I can ….⑶.Jump, please.


⑴.通过一个学期的学习学生对英语学习有较高的兴趣,能够听懂老师的课堂组织语言,并作出相应的反应。对于本单元涉及的三个动词jump, walk, swim在一年级上册的Unit3 At school 中的Say the rhyme板块里已经接触过,知道中文意思,能够说唱韵文。功能句Jump, please.在上学期已经训练过,学生听到指令后能够做出相应的动作。两个动词run, dance;四个名词an X-ray, a yo-yo, a zebra, a zoo和功能句Can you …? Yes, I can. I can …. 从未接触过。

⑵.在第一课时的课文教学中学生初步学习了功能句Can you swim? Yes, I can.理解中文意思,大部分学生听到问句Can you swim?时,能够做出Yes, I can. 的正确回答。

二、 教学目标以及重、难点

1. 教学目标:

⑴. 知识目标:学习询问某人能干什么的功能句

①I can … ②Can you …? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

⑵.能力目标:掌握基本句型 I can…. Can you …? Yes, I can.掌握扩展句No, I can’t.和拓展词汇:fly。能够进行交际,培养语言综合运用的能力。

⑶.情感目标:激发学生主动了解周围同学的事情,善于用语言进行表达,富有关心他人的童心。 培养学生具有合作的意识;在活动过程中逐步学会、掌握评价机制,对待同学要有客观的评价。鼓励学生大胆用英语、说英语的意识。 激发学生学习英语的良好兴趣。

2.教学重点:单词run dance 句型I can …. Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can.


三、 教学主环节、设计意图




⒈教学单词:run, dance使用演示文稿课件,播放录像是将单词学习放到真实情境中结合句子学习,有利于单词的理解,符合单词教学的要求与规律,教学效果好。

⒉教学功能句Can you …? Yes,I can. No, I can’t.:使用表格同学之间进行互访,通过使用信息沟,训练听和说,给学生以真实感。体现了学是为了用。同时调动了全体学生参与活动,学生在有效的时间内得到有效的训练。听和说的能力都能得到提高。

⒊教学功能句I can….:

⑴. 通过播放一个学生用句型I can….介绍自己的本领的录像,激发学生的求知欲,学生产生努力学习做自我介绍的强烈的欲望。

⑵. 动物技能大赛活动:课前学生亲手制作了自己喜欢的小动物头饰,上课的时候用学生的积极性很高。结合小学生好动的年龄特征,设计此活动,为学生创设了较为真实的交际情境。

(四)、唱一首歌:将刚学的句型I can ….放到歌曲中唱一唱,不仅是对知识的一种复习,而且能够激发学生的学习兴趣,同时还能缓解学生的疲劳。

(五)、Extension是个扩展活动,学生跟着课件说唱韵文。在Unit 7中有一段小韵文,里边含有动词sing, dance. 之后再请学生说一说本课之外学到的动词,例如,各个单元种不同板块的题目中有,经常听老师说,draw, color, listen, read, match, touch, point有的学生也学会了。学生能说多少说多少,给优秀的学生一个展示自己的机会,激发其他学生的求知欲望,激发兴趣,提高英语能力。

四、 其他要说明的问题:

学生需要真实地交际, 根据教学内容的需要,根据本班学生的能力和水平,补充动词fly,和教材中没有涉及到的功能句No, I can’t.


(精品推荐)XX届高考二轮复习英语学案--专题二 代词和数词


1. ( 浙江卷) it is reported that the floods have left about _________ people homeless.

a. two thousand     b. two-thousands   c. two thousands    d. two thousands of

【解析】a 考查数词用法。量词前用基数词修饰量词保持原来形式,不变复数;如后面用of量词用复数,但前面不用基数词修饰

2.(全国卷i,30)—which of the two computer games did you prefer?

—actually i didn’t like ______.

a. both of them      b. either of them     c. none of them     d. neither of them

【解析】b句意:——这两个电子游戏你更喜欢哪一个?——实际上我连个都不喜欢。not…either…两者都不…...,是半否定,不合语境;none 指代三者以上,和第一句中的the two computer games相矛盾;d项意思相反

3.(天津卷,5)to know more about the british museum, you can use the internet to go to the library, or _______.

a. neither           b. some             c. all            d. both


4.(辽宁卷,26) —could you tell me how to get to victoria street?

—victoria street? ______ is where the grand theatre is.

a. such              b. there             c. that            d. this

【解析】c句意:——你能告诉我怎么到达维多利亚大街吗?——维多利亚大街?(那)就在大戏院哪里。这里实际上是要选一个词来代替文中提到的victoria street。such 这,这些;there那儿,均不符合题意。that 可表示上文提到的不可数名词或可数名词的特指,符合题意。this明显不符题意

5. (安徽卷,21)the two girls are getting on very well and share _______ with each other.

a. little                b. much             c. some           d none

【解析】b句意:这两个女儿相处的非常融洽,她们有许多共同的志趣。本题考察不定代词的用法,little少;much多;some 一些;none没有一个,毫无。由are getting on very well“相处融洽“可知正确答案应该为b

6.(09四川)i like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but i don’t have enough money to buy__________.

a. one                 b. it                 c. this            d. that

【解析】b。 意思是:我喜欢这个前面有一个美丽花园的房子,但是我没有足够多的钱去把它买下来。第一句话中的this house表明在该语境中是特指的用法,所以答案为it,表示特指。该题容易误选one,要注意的是one表示泛指。

7.(09山东)i felt so bad all day yesterday that i decided this morning i couldn’t face ________ day like that.

a. other                 b. another           c. the other         d. others

【解析】b 考查与other 相关的单词的区别,由题意知:我昨天一整天感到很糟糕,以至于我今天早晨决定我不会面对那样的一天。是指在未来的日子中的一天,故用another.

8.(09陕西) jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer      of them.

a. other                   b. any                c. none          d. some

【解析】b 考查不定代词。所填词与not构成全部否定,四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any,等于none,表全部否定,故选b。

9.(09全国2卷)23. charles was alone at home, with        looking after him.

a. someone              b. anyone               c. not one       d. no one

【解析】d 考查不定代词的用法。按照句意:查理兹一人在家,没有人照顾他,依据独立主格结构d符合。

10.(09全国2 )24。the cds are on sale! buy one and you get         completely free.

a. other                   b. others                c. one          d. ones

【解析】c 考查不定代词的用法。按照句意:此处为买一送一,表示泛指意义的同类东西,故选c符合

11.(09北京)being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with ___extra stress.

a. it                        b. them               c. one         d. him

【解析】a  该句话的意思是:作为一个父母并非总是一件容易的事,但是作为一个有特殊需求的父母来说就需要有更多的额外的压力。it特指being the parent of a child with special needs这件事

12.(09上海)-wow! you’ve got so many clothes.

-but _____ of them are in fashion now .

a. all                       b. both                c. neither      d. none


13.(09浙江)-i’ve read another book this week.

-well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

this                b. that          c. there     d. it


14.(09重庆)22. over the past 20 years, the internet helped change our world in_____ way or another for the better.

a. any                         b. one              c. every          d. either


15.(09江苏)25. nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with __ of their parents.

a. those                       b. one           c. both         d. that

【解析】d考查代词用法。 代替上文提到的in their approach to educating their children




1. i will appreciate ______ if you can give me a hand.

a.this               b.that        c.it     d.one

2. ______ has already been pointed out, only by correcting mistakes, can you make progress.

a.it                   b.as            c.that     d.what

3. all of us want very much to see these amusing  movies,especially _____ you referred to just now.

a.any                  b.it              c.the one   d.one

4. --- did you find the pen yesterday?

--- no, i didn’t find ________, but i have bought ________.

a. it; it               b. one; it       c. it; one    d. one; one

5. we've got two tv sets, but we still can't watch anything because ______ works properly.

a.neither              b.either        c.each       d.none

6. some tourists think that the beauty of mountains is greater than ______ of deserts.

a.one                 b.those         c.the one   d.that

7.——have you any money on you? i need some badly.

——sorry, but ______ at all .

a. not                 b. nothing          c. none        d. quite a little

8. i found ______ possible to answer all the questions within the given time.

a. that                   b. it              c. this         d. what

9. --- can i help you ?

--- i’d like to buy a present for my best friend, _______at proper price but of great use.

a. that                    b. one             c. it           d. this

10. is ________ man’s ability to reason that sets him apart from other animals?

a. one                    b. this              c. it        d.  /

11. how long do you think ___________ the microsoft brings out a new product?

a.it will be before                        b.will it be until

c.will it be when                            d.it will be that

12. ---do you have new concept english ⅵ in your shop?

---yes, but no more than one copy. would you like to take ______?

a.it                    b them              c.some          d.one

13. --- how long will you be staying? .

--- i don’t know.              .

a. that’s ok                                 b. never mind

c. it depends                                d. it doesn’t matter

14.一when did you learn the news that obama made a trip to canada as president?

一 ____ was on my return.

a.that               b.it                   c.there       d.this

15. he didn’t make ______ clear when and where the meeting would be held.

a.this              b.that               c.it          d.these

16.—does _____please you to give gifts to others?


a.it               b.that                 c.one          d.he

17. though we found _____difficult to avoid economic and financial crisis, we must take measures to reduce its negative impact.

a.it             b.one                 c.that         d.how

18.—do you think_____ worthwhile to go all the way to los angles to buy that computer?

—well ,i’m going to visit some relatives, too.

a.it                 b./                c.this        d.that

19. no one knows exactly when our ancestors started talking,but new evidence suggests  _______might have happened a long time ago.

a.which              b. what              c.it           d.they

20. really great people always see the best in others; it is the little man who looks for the worst and finds.

a.one                 b.it                c.that         d.them

21. ____people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.

a. several million                             b. many millions

c. several millions                            d. many million


1.【解析】c  it作动词appreciate的宾语,其它三项不符合题意。


3.【解析】c one可以用来指代前面提到的人或事物。you referred to just now修饰one,因此要用the one 表示特指。

4.【解析】c 用it 表示同类事物,特指前面提到的那支笔。在第二个空中,用one表示某一只笔。

5.【解析】a neither两者都不;either两者之一;each 每个;none三者或三者以上都不。根据题意,应选a。

6.【解析】d one可以用来指代前面提到的人或事物,the one特指,均不符合题意。that 可表示上文提到的不可数名词或可数名词的特指,这里that代替的是不可数名词beauty,符合题意;those为复数形式,不合题意。

7.【解析】c none没有一点,毫无;nothing没有任何东西;not at all固定搭配“根本不” quite a little 一点。根据题意,应选c。意思是我此时一点钱也没有

8.【解析】 b it作found的形式宾语,真正的宾语是to answer all the questions within the given time.,possible作it的补语。

9.【解析】b one可以用来指代前面提到的人或事物,此句中指代a present,one作present的同位语。


11.【解析】a.本句是一个特殊疑问句,前面有do you think插入语,应该用陈述语序,因此排除bc,根据句意可知应该是“微软公司研制出一种新产品需要花费多长时间”,不是考查强调句型,因此应选a

12.【解析】a 根据句意可以得知,店中只有一本了,故用it表示上文出现的内容。

13.【解析】c根据句意可以得知,不清楚停留多长时间,因此用it depends.(看情况而定)


15.【解析】c本题中,it用作形式宾语指代when and where the meeting would be held从句。

16.【解析】a 本题中,it用作形式主语,代替to give gifts to others

17.【解析】a it在句中用作形式宾语,代替后文的to avoid economic and financial crisis

18.【解析】a 在本句中,it为形式宾语,代替下文的to go all the way to los angles to buy that computer。而其他选项不能作形式宾语。

19.【解析】c it在句中指时间,属于实指。

20.【解析】b 根据句意可以得知“伟人常常看到别人的最好的一面,而小人则只看到了别人不最好的一面”it此处特指上文的the worst

21.【解析】a 本题考查的是million表示确切数量的用法。million前需用数表确切数量,而不用many这类词,但可说many millions of(上百万的),故本题中用several million。











3 吃透语境。有些高考试题考查的是代词在具体语境中的灵活运用,这样的题目须分析具体的语境才能选出正确答案,忌死抠语法。



1. ——excuse me, i want to have my watch fixed, but i can’t find a repair shop.

——i know          nearby. come on, i’ll show you.

a. one             b. it           c. some         d. that

2. the parkers bought a new house, but_____will need a lot of work before they can move in.

a. they           b. it            c. one           d. which

3. some people would rather ride bikes as bike ridding has_____  of the trouble of taking buses.

a. nothing         b. none        c. some         d. neither

4. ——which of the two books do you want?

—— i want        . please show me       .

a. none; another   b. all; the other c. neither; the other d. neither; another

5. who can you turn to in time of danger, it not           .

a. any             b. us            c. we          d. ours

6. ——there must be a dozen pens in this house but i can never find one when i need one.

——keep looking. ____ is sure to turn up.

a. one            b. it              c. that         d. this

7.the best job is _____which uses your skill in doing something together with your interest in the subject.

a. something       b. the one       c. one          d. it

8. ——your coffee smells great!

——it’s from mexico. would you like           ?

a. it            b. some            c. this            d. little

9.if you can dream _____ , you can do _____.

a. one; it        b. it; one           c. one; one        d. it; it

10. mr ascot, headmaster of the school, refused to accept ______of the three suggestions made by the students’ union.

a. either         b. neither           c. any           d. none

11. i’m afraid we can’t have coffee; there’s _____ left.

a. nothing        b. none            c. no one         d. no any


1.【解析】a one用来代替刚提到的人或一种可数的物,it也指刚刚提到过的事物,但指同一个,c、d显然不符合题意。

2.【解析】b it在句子中的指代the parkers所买的房子。在英语中,如果所指的是同种事物要用代词it和they(them);如果指代的是同一类事物要用代词one和ones。

3.【解析】b nothing是不定代词,不能放在介词of的前面:neither(两者)都不;some与句子的意思不符,都不能作为答案。none of the trouble of taking buses没有乘公共汽车的麻烦。


5.【解析】b turn to sb. 表示“向……请求帮助”。从句是个省略句。if not us即if you don’t turn to us.

6.【解析】a 此处one特指上文提到的“the one i need”。

7.【解析】c 该句中缺少一个先行词,a,b项也可做先行词,但引导词应用that,因此正确选项为c。

8.【解析】b文中指的是“一些咖啡”,a it表示全部咖啡,不合理,c this指“这个”不修饰不可数名词,在句中不能单独使用,故排除a,c。

9.【解析】d if you can dream it, you can do it意思是如果你能想到你就能做到,it和one作代词时,one指代前已提到过的可数名词的单数形式,复数用ones,而it即可指代可数名词也可指代不可数名词。

10.【解析】c none 和 neither 表否定,与句中的 refused to acept这一语境不符。在 either 与 any 两个选项中,either 指两者,与句中的 three suggestions 不符。故只能选 any,指三者中的任意一个。

11.【解析】b  nothing 指“什么也没有”;none 指数量上的“一点(个)也没有”。注:回答 how much 和 how many 时要用 none,而不用 nothing,道理同。


专题八 非谓语动词和独立主格结构


1. (08北京)____ that she was going off to sleep, i asked if she'd like that little doll on her bed.

a. seeing           b. to see            c. see          d. seen


2.(08全国卷i)i like getting up very early in summer. the morning air is so good ____.

a. to be breathed    b. to breathe        c. breathing     d. being breathed

【解题】b在主系表结构中,当表语形容词为good, light, heavy, difficult等时,其后常用不定式作状语,表示时间,原因,结果等,且常用主动形式表示被动意义,因此选b。此处为特殊情况。

3.(08北京)----did the book give the information you needed?

----yes. but ____ it, i had to read the entire book.

a. to find           b. find              c.to be finding  d. finding

【解题】 a 非谓语动词短语与主句之间用逗号隔开,作状语。根据句意:为了找到需要的信息,我不得不看完整本书的内容,表示目的。不定式常在句首作目的状语,且此处不表示动作正在进行,因此用一般式,选a。

4.(09湖南)nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it .

a. reusing  b. reused  c. reuses  d. to be reused

【解析】d 考查动词不定时的用法。句意为:现在人们有时把他们的废物分开,以便很容易被重复利用。重新再利用是指将来发生的动作,而且是被动的。故选d。

5.(09江西)_________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars.

a. giving             b. having given     c. to give       d. given

【解析】d 考查非谓语动词。如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:if they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players与give 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出given the right kind of training , these teenager soccer players……

6.(09江西)the government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.

a. forced            b. forcing           c. to be forced    d. having forced

【解析】b 考查非谓语动词的用法。 现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws ,相当于which forces ……...

7.(09海南)the children all turned_____the famous actress as she entered the classroom.

a. looked at    b. to look at        c. to looking at   d. look at

【解析】b。 句意为:当那位著名的女演员走进了教室,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。

turn to 表示“转向,求助”的意思。

8.(09海南) now that we’ve discussed out problem, are people happy with the decisions ?

a. taking    b. take   c. taken d. to take

【解析】c。 考查with +宾语+宾语补足语的用法。句意为:现在,我们已经讨论了问题,是人们最满意的决定? take 与the decisions之间存在的关系是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动

9.(09山东)we are invited to a party _________in our club next friday.

a. to be held         b. held               c. being held        d. holding

【解析】a 考查非谓语动词的用法,由next month可知时间是在将来,party是被举行,故选a。

10(09陕西)i still remember      to the famen temple and what i saw there.

a. to take            b. to be taken         c. taking           d. being taken

【解析】d 考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词做remember的宾语,而remember后用非谓语动词做宾语时,可以用v-ing形式,v-ing表示的动作已经完成,也可用动词不定式,表示的动作还未发生,根据后文的saw可知此处非谓语动词动作已经完成,且与逻辑主语是被动关系,用v-ing的被动式,选d。

11.(09福建)    not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.

a. reminding      b. reminded      c. to remind     d. having reminded

【解析】b 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语the manager,非谓语动词与句子主语是被动关系,且其表示的动作在谓语动词set out之前已经发生,非谓语动词用过去分词,选b。

12.(09福建)in april, , president hu inspected the warships in qingdao,    the 60th anniversary of the founding of the pla navy.

a. marking            b. marked        c. having marked  d. being marked

【解析】a 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词做状语,其后有宾语,故与逻辑主语是主动关系,且表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时进行,用现在分词,选a。

13.(09湖南)when he        the door, he found his keys were nowhere.

a. would open  b. opened  c. had opened  d. was to open

【解析】d 考查非谓语动词。动词不定时的用法。句意为:当他要打开门的时候,他发现他的钥匙不见了。动词不定时表示将要发生的动作。

14.(09湖南)9.at the age of 29, dave was a worker,        in a small apartment near boston and ______ what to do about his future.

a. living; wondering   b. lived; wondering

c. lived; wondered   d. living; wondered

【解析】a 考查分词的用法。句意为:29岁的大卫,是一个工人,住在一间小公寓在波士顿附近,不知怎么办关于他的未来。现在分词作定语修饰a worker,and 为并列连词,连接相同的成份。

【专题突破】依据非谓语动词各个不同类型的考查方式和特点。可以采用非谓语动词和独立主格结构的“五步骤”做题法;即非谓语动词的“五步骤”做题法:1.牢记核心意义;2.分析句子成分;3.寻找逻辑主语;4.了解时间关系;5.分析特殊情况。独立主格结构的“五步骤”:1. 认识独立主格结构,建立独立主格结构概念;2. 认清独立主格结构的来源,理解独立主格结构的功能;3. 从逻辑主语的不同认识分词和独立主格结构作状语的区别;4.全面掌握独立主格结构的功能;5. 熟悉独立主格结构的不同类型,全面掌握独立主格结构。当然并非每道题都要全面考虑以上"五步骤" 有时只需通过一两个步骤即可得到答案。我相信,只要同学们在训练中严格按照这种思路去分析,就可以练就一双火眼金睛,那么,再难的考查非谓语动词和独立主格结构的试题都是可以快速得到答案的。

1. i don’t know whether you happen ____ it, but i’m going to study in the u.s.a. this september.

a. to be heard     b. to be hearing     c. to hear     d. to have heard

2. _____ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _____ the beautiful scenery.

a. tiring; to admire                    b. being tired; admiring

c. tired; to admire                     d. tired; admiring

3. don’t leave the water ____ while you brush your teeth.

a. run            b. running            c. being run     d. to run

4. he looked around and caught a man _____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

a. put            b. to be put          c. to put        d. putting

5. _____ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.

a. having stolen  b. having been stolen c. stolen        d. stealing

6. to answer correctly is more important than _____.

a. that you finish quickly               b. finishing quickly

c. to finish quickly                     d. finish quickly

7. you will see this product made in this factory _____ wherever you go.

a. to be advertised  b. advertised   c. advertise      d. advertising

8. the monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed _____ the river.

a. to have discovered                b. to have been discovered

c. to discover                       d. having been discovered

9. —— have you considered _____ your job as a teacher?

——yes. i like the job because a teacher is often considered _____ a gardener.

a. to change; to be  b. to change; being   c. changing; being   d. changing; to be

10. mr. green is said _____ an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young.

a. to do            b. to have done       c. to be doing        d. to have been doing

11. seeing the soldiers well _____ for the flood-fight, the general nodded with satisfaction.

a. prepare        b. preparing          c. prepared          d. having prepared

12.the murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

a. being tied    b. having tied    c. to be tied    d. tied

13.weather___, we'll go out for a walk.

a. permitted     b permitting         c permits           d for permitting

14.the speech ______ a lively discussion started.

a.being delivered                       b. was delivered

c.be delivered                          d. having been delivered

15.______, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

a.other things being equal              b.were other things equal

c.to be equal to other things           d.other things to be equal

16.all things ______, the planned trip will have to be called off.

nsidered      b.be considered        nsidering       d.having considered


1.【解析】d happen to have done sth 为不定式的完成时, 表示一个已经完成了的动作,强调对于现在的影响。

2.【解析】c tired and out of breath为“形容词和介词短语”在句中作状语。stop to do sth. 停下来去做另外一件事


4.【解析】d catch sb doing sth表示发觉或当场捉住 sb在做一件事情。



7.【解析】b advertise意为“为……登广告”。made in this factory作定语修饰product; advertised作宾语补足语。


9.【解析】d consider 作“考虑”解时,后常接-ing形式(短语)作宾语;作“认为” 解时,后常接含有名词、形容词或to be的复合结构。

10【解析】b由when young可知此处应该用不定式的完成式,表示此动作发生在谓语动作之前。

11.【解析】c由固定短语be (well) prepared for可知此处应用过去分词作宾补。

12.【解析】d. with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词"手"与分词"绑"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选d.13.【解析】b. 本题中没有连词,它不是复合句,也不是并列句。 句中使用了逗号,且we 小写,可知其不是两个简单句。能够这样使用的只有独立主格或with的复合结构。据此判断,本句中使用的是独立结构,其结构为:名词+分词。 由于permit在这里翻译为'天气允许',表主动,应用现在分词,故选b。如果不会判断独立结构作状语的形式,不妨将句子改为条件句,例如本句改为if weather permits, we'll go out for a walk. 然后将if 去掉,再将谓语动词改为非谓语动词即可。

14.【解析】d 句意:演讲完后,开始了热烈的讨论。把握前后主语不一致,动作发生在之前,故选答案为d.

15.【解析】a 句意:在其它条件相同的情况下,表达好的人肯定要比语言能力差的人更快地取得成功,前后的主语不一致,故选答案a.

16.【解析】a 考虑了方方面面之后,原来计划好的旅行不得不取消了,前后主语不一致,故答案为a。


















有时将并列句或复合句改成简单句时,应注意:原句中含有 be 动词时,一律改成 being 形式, being 后面为非名词时 being 可忽略。


【专题综合】1. ____ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.

a. to throw      b. thrown       c. throwing       d. being throwing

2.   ____ in the fields on a march afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.

a. to walk       b. walking      c. walked          d. having walked

3. i hear they've promoted tom, but he didn't mention ____ when we talked on the phone.

a. to promote                    b. having been promoted

c. having promoted               d. to be promoted

4. the message is very important, so it is supposed ____ as soon as possible.

a. to be sent    b. to send      c. being sent      d. sending

5. ____ around the water cube, we wre then taken to see the bird's nest for the olympic games.

a.having shown   b. to be shown  c. having been shown d. to show

6. we had an anxious couple of weeks ____for the results of the experiment

a. wait          b. to be waiting c. waited           d. waiting

7. ____ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.

a. fail          b. failed        c. to fail          d. having failed

8. it is one of the funniest things ____ on the internet so far this year.

a. finding       b. being found   c. to find          d. found

9. ____ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.

a. waiting       b.to wait        c. having waited    d. to have waited

10.----can those ____at the back of the classroom hear me?

-----no problem.

a. seat           b. sit          c. seated           d. sat

11.he was busy writing a story, only _____once in a while to smoke a cigarette.

a. to stop        b. stopping     c. to have stopped   d. having stopped

12. please remain ______; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

a. seating        b. seated        c. to seat          d. to be seated

13.----they are quiet, aren't they?

----yes. they are accustomed ______at meal.

a. to talk        b. to not talk   c. to talking        d. to not talking

learn english well, we should find opportunities to hear english ______as much as we can.

a. speak        b. speaking        c. spoken            d. to speak

15. lucy's new job paid twice as much as she had made _____in the restaurant.

a. working      b. work            c. to work           d. worked

16.the soldier fell asleep ________.

a.with the candle burning          b.burning the candle

c.when he was burning the candle   d.when burning the candle

17.________, the tiananmen square looks more beautiful.

a.being on                         b.when being on

c.with all the lights on           d.when it turns on all the lights

18.____ the notice, he had an idea.

a.when he was watching b.watching c.when watching   d.all the above

19.______ the notice, an idea came to his mind.

a.when he was watching b.watching c.when watching   d.all the above

参考答案:1-5 cbbac 6-10 dddcc 11-15bbdca 16-19 acda




To learn the past tense of be.

To learn new words and sentence pattern.

To practice pronunciation by chant.


To ask the students to inquire or introduce one’s holiday.


1. To arose the students interest of English learning.

2. To teach them to love our motherland.


How was your holiday?

It was wonderful /exciting.

Where were you during your holiday?

I was at home.



Word cards.

A song: Today & Yesterday.

To prepare some pictures of different cities.


I. Greeting.

II. Warming-up

1. Sing a song “Today & Yesterday”.

2. Free talk.

3. To review some words:

interesting, fantastic, exciting

III. Presentation.

1. To teach them the new words: wonderful, exciting.

2. To have a competition: Who can read it faster?

(interesting, fantastic, exciting, wonderful)

3. To learn the new sentence pattern:

How was your holiday?

It was wonderful.

Where were you during your holiday?

I was at home.

IV. Practice

1. To look at the words and pictures on the screen and ask the students to practice the new sentence pattern

2. Chant.

3. To make up new dialogues according to the new sentence pattern (with their own photos or the pictures).

4. Time to sing. (Happy song) V. Summary


I. Greeting.

II. Warming-up

1. To review the words: was, were.

2. To review the knowledge they’ve learned before.

III. Presentation.

1. To teach them the new words.

2. The students master the new words.

3. To learn the new sentence pattern.

IV. Practice

1. To master the new words and sentence pattern.

2. To practice pronunciation.

3. The students can use the new sentence pattern and new words freely by making up new dialogues.

V. Summary


1. To write the new words and sentences.

2. To make up new dialogues according to the new sentence pattern.


Lesson 2

How was your holiday?

It was wonderful /exciting.

Where were you during your holiday?

I was at home.


Teaching Aims:

1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

2.Help the Ss write a composition

3.let students realize how important the sports are

o My favorite sport is … because …

o I like … because …

o I became interested in it when …

o My favorite athlete/footballer/sportsman is …

o I like him/her because …

o I practise …

Teaching Important Points:

1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

2.Enable the students to write a composition

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to talk about hobbies and interests.

2.How to write a composition about their favourite sports.

The General Idea of Th is Period:

This period has two aims—to encourage the Ss to think and talk creatively about their hobbies and interests and to organize their ideas into a composition and to enable the students to write a report about their favou rit e sport.

Teaching Aims:

1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

2.Help the Ss write a composition

3.let students realize how important the sports are

o My favorite sport is … because …

o I like … because …

o I became interested in it when …

o My favorite athlete/footballer/sportsman is …

o I like him/her because …

o I practise …

Teaching Important Points:

1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

2.Enable the students to write a composition

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to talk about hobbies and interests.

2.How to write a composition about their favourite sports.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion in pairs and in groups.


Teaching Aids:

1.A multimedia computer.

Teaching Procedures:

Read the words loudly and have a competition

Show some picture in which the teacher is doing something she likes to arouse students interest


Making a Survey on Others ’Interests or Hobbies

Q1:What is your favourite sport?

Q2:How you became interested in that sport:

Q4:What do you do to improve your skill?

Q5:Who is your favourite athlete? Why do you like him or her?

注意:1.划线部分的连接词是把不同的思想连接在一起。(first, although, apart from 除—之外)but)

2.方框里面的连接次为了增加一些信息(especially, such.as, too, as well)

4. 复查纠错。


要求:1. Begin by explaining which sport you like best and why.

2. Give reasons for why you like the athlete be st.

3. What you do to improve your skill.

4. Fini sh by saying what you hope to do with this sport in the future.


Check their compositions again and write one.

Sum up what we have learnt in this un it.



小学英语教案模板范例怎么写,你会写了吗?下面.jinpinTjian ul li a小编为大家介绍小学英语教案模板范例,希望能帮到大家!

一.课题Whatare you doing?


1. 知识与技能目标:

(1) 能正确听、说、读、写词汇playing, singing,reading等。

(2)正确听、说、读、写句型 What are you doing ?I’m … . What is he/she doing? He/She is ….

2. 过程与方法目标:



3. 情感态度与价值观目标:



能正确听、说、读、写句型—Whatbe sb. doing? —Sb. be doing…




Step 1 greeting

Step 2 lead in—play a guessing game

Step3 presentation—one shows the action and the others make new sentences.

Step4 practice—Students work in pairs. One student makes action and the other oneguesses.

Step 5 review— analyzethe rule of the sentences and read these sentences.

Step 6 homework—write ashort article to introduce the most memorable vacation.


What are you doing?

He is playing basketball.

Sheis singing. Sb.+be(am,is,are)+doingsth.

Tomis reading newspapers.












1. 表示两者之中“较...”,用the+比较级+of the two。

I'll give you the bigger of the two steaks; I'm not very hungry.


2. 定冠词或指示形容词+比较级+名词表示比较。

The taller man is the boss of the restaurant and the shorter one is his brother.


3. 有少数以-ior结尾的属于拉丁语的形容词,如inferior(次于), junior(年幼的;下级的), posterior(之后), prior(之前), senior(年长的,上级的), superior(优于)等本身就有比较的意思,后面不接 than,常与介系词to连用,后面用宾格。

I am two years junior to you.



I am two years your junior.

I am your junior by two years.

I am two years younger than you (are).


be senior to(年长于)+宾格 ?be older than+主格

be superior to(优于)+宾格 ?be better than+主格

be inferior to(劣于)+宾格 ?be worse than+主格

4. 比较形容词可以被修饰语如a little(一点), much(得多), even(更加), still(更加), far(...得多), very much, any, no, rather, a lot (a great deal), a little (a bit)等修饰,但不可用very修饰,表示某种程度。

The sun is a lot bigger and brighter than the moon.



