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英语的课件 篇1

Reading  Around the world in eight hours

Good afternoon, everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A. Around the World in Eight Hours. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from three parts.

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material

This is an important lesson in this book. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

Most students are interested in computer games. So this topic can greatly attract their interests. It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well. After learning this lesson, they will know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you won’t be able to learn computer well.

To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do

To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

To master the Passive voice.

To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

To train the students how to use their own words to express their ideas.

(四)Teaching key and Difficult point

To review the Present perfect tense.

To learn the Passive voice.

To tell more about the CD-ROM.

To retell how the game is played

To understand the whole passage and answer teacher’s questions

2. Difficult points:

The Passive voice.

To retell how the game is played

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

1. Communicative teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.

To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM. Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world

Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading passage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape. Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM?

What can it help you to do?

Who is the designer?

Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading passage introduces the main character of the game . Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

Who is the main character of the game?

How old is he?

What does he like doing?

What was he doing when he fell asleep?

Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading passage, on page41, explain how the game is played. Ask them to read the rest of the reading passage on page 41

Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

How can you earn a point?

What will happen if you have earned a point?

What will happen if you have earned enough points?

How many levels does the game have?

How long does it take you to finish the game?

What do the questions test?

What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?

What can you learn about when you reach London?

What will you see when you passa level?

What happened to the places you have visited?

Read the whole passage and then ask some students to retell how the game is played(in 5steps)

1 See a golden cloud with instructions on it

2 See clouds with information about different places; See clouds with questions on them

3 Get a point every time you answer a question correctly

4 A cloud will come down and carry you off to a new place

5 See a world map. The old place is marked in bright purple

If possible, ask students to discuss what they have learned from the passage.(with their own words)

Step7 Use the following keywords to try to retell the passage.


a new educational CD-ROM, Around the world in Eight Hours.

Come out, interesting, at the same time, be designed by, the all-time favorite CD-ROM


Main character, love traveling, lie on the grass, fall asleep


be written on, different colors with questions on them

Every time you answer a question, earn enough points, come down, Carry off

Play the role of, take …an hour to finish, travel around, Test your knowledge of, a lot of useful information, for example

Be the best , get it in sold out

1 Translating the following phrases:

1)同时                        2) 过一关

3) 扮演…角色                 4) 光盘的设计者

5) 一直广受欢迎的'游戏         6) 得到足够的分数

7) 睡着                       8) 英语语法和词汇

13) 掉下来                   14) 售完

2 Try to recite the text.

1) The Present perfect tense. A new educational CD-ROM has just come out.

When you have earned enough points,….……..Carry you off to a place you have never visited before. The places you have visited are marked…

2) The Passive voice.

It is designed by Nancy Jackson. These words were written on it.

The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.

Get it now before it is sold out英语说课稿(英文版)

Reading  Around the world in eight hours

Good afternoon, everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A. Around the World in Eight Hours. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from three parts.

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material

This is an important lesson in this book. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

Most students are interested in computer games. So this topic can greatly attract their interests. It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well. After learning this lesson, they will know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you won’t be able to learn computer well.

To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do

To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

To master the Passive voice.

To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

To train the students how to use their own words to express their ideas.

(四)Teaching key and Difficult point

To review the Present perfect tense.

To learn the Passive voice.

To tell more about the CD-ROM.

To retell how the game is played

To understand the whole passage and answer teacher’s questions

2. Difficult points:

The Passive voice.

To retell how the game is played

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

1. Communicative teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.

To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM. Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world

Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading passage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape. Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM?

What can it help you to do?

Who is the designer?

Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading passage introduces the main character of the game . Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

Who is the main character of the game?

How old is he?

What does he like doing?

What was he doing when he fell asleep?

Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading passage, on page41, explain how the game is played. Ask them to read the rest of the reading passage on page 41

Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

How can you earn a point?

What will happen if you have earned a point?

What will happen if you have earned enough points?

How many levels does the game have?

How long does it take you to finish the game?

What do the questions test?

What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?

What can you learn about when you reach London?

What will you see when you passa level?

What happened to the places you have visited?

Read the whole passage and then ask some students to retell how the game is played(in 5steps)

1 See a golden cloud with instructions on it

2 See clouds with information about different places; See clouds with questions on them

3 Get a point every time you answer a question correctly

4 A cloud will come down and carry you off to a new place

5 See a world map. The old place is marked in bright purple

If possible, ask students to discuss what they have learned from the passage.(with their own words)

Step7 Use the following keywords to try to retell the passage.


a new educational CD-ROM, Around the world in Eight Hours.

Come out, interesting, at the same time, be designed by, the all-time favorite CD-ROM


Main character, love traveling, lie on the grass, fall asleep


be written on, different colors with questions on them

Every time you answer a question, earn enough points, come down, Carry off

Play the role of, take …an hour to finish, travel around, Test your knowledge of, a lot of useful information, for example

Be the best , get it in sold out

1 Translating the following phrases:

1)同时                        2) 过一关

3) 扮演…角色                 4) 光盘的设计者

7) 睡着                       8) 英语语法和词汇

13) 掉下来                   14) 售完

2 Try to recite the text.

1) The Present perfect tense. A new educational CD-ROM has just come out.

When you have earned enough points,….……..Carry you off to a place you have never visited before. The places you have visited are marked…

2) The Passive voice.

It is designed by Nancy Jackson. These words were written on it.

The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.

Get it now before it is sold out

英语的课件 篇2





















英语的课件 篇3


Unit11 Clothes Lesson Three.


1、Vocabulary:umbrella, violin, watermelon, watch.

2、Find and color. Trace and match.

教学目标的检测途径 通过Find and color. Trace and match.来检查学生的掌握程度。


Listen and say the words .

Understand using the words.

突破教学难点的.方法 通过单词、图片的对比进行巩固,umbrella比较难读,利用实物呈现。


recorder, tape, pictures, slide show, computer.



1、Sing the song .“ Its a dress.”( Page 37 of Book 2 )


T: Hello. Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello. Good morning , Miss Liu.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you,too.

3、Review the words and sentences.

T: Whats this?

Ss: Its a dress / shirt/ sweater.

T: What are these?

Ss: They are pants / shoes /socks.


1.T:Its rain ,open up your……?让学生说下雨了怎么办?打开什么?Look at the picture with the computer. Umbrella.Listen and say .打开雨伞让学生逐一说,小组说.

T:Look at the umbrella .Does it look like a star? A square? Ss:No ,it a circle. T: Yes,Look at the umbrella Its round, round, round. 板书,教说学习round.学生看教室内的物品说什么是round.

2.T:Look at the picture with the computer. Trace and match.Is it round?Listen and say . T:Look at the watch. Its round, round, round.

3.呈现watermelonT:Look at the picture with the computer. Trace and watermelon. Is it round? T:Look at the watermelon Its round, round, round.

4.T:Look the violin. Its not round.

5、Play a guessing game:Ask and answer. What is it?

三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

1、Trace and match. ( Page39) Find and color. (Page 41 of Book2)

2、Check up on the answers.

3、Say the rhyme.



1.Read the words.

2,listen to the text.


Look at the watch.

Its round, round, round. umbrella, violin, watermelon, watch.

英语的课件 篇4

本单元围绕the Silver Screen(影视) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性的教学主题。

本单元所选的语言素材涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演, 具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解外国文化,增强世界意识。正如新课程标准中的教学建议所提:学习中文影视文化有利于“拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们跨文化交际的意识和能力”;在利用现代教育技术观看影视片断、影视海报的教学过程中,“拓宽了学生学习和运用英语的渠道”;同时本单元的教学对教师本身的中外文化修养、广阔的知识面等方面有非常高的要求。

(1).对国外著名影星、导演及他们作品的了解。如教材中涉及的Meryl Streep,Keanu Reeves,Steve Spielberg等,以扩大学生知识面、文化视野。如何填补学生这方面知识缺乏的信息沟。



1. 学习、掌握关系副词when,where.,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。

2. 学习掌握一些有关影视的词汇:

如: career, director, script, play a role in ,Oscar, award, studio, scene, follow-ups等。


如:graduate, attack, creature, owe…to…, take off等。

3. 学习掌握一些用于讨论、评价电影的结构句式:

如:What’s the film about?

What do you think about the story of the film?

How do you feel about the film?

I like / don’t like the film because…

The film is about… I think the ending of the film is …

4. 提高学生语言听、说、读、写的能力及扮演角色、编写剧本、撰写影评等的综合语言运用能力?

1. 学习几位著名影星、导演执著于艺术、献身于艺术的敬业精神和对人类艺术的巨大贡献。

2. 从Keanu Reeves 艰辛的成功途中(In the begin did many small jobs, then played in many cheap films.)我们可以学习到:要成就事业需付出辛勤劳动,要有持之以恒、坚持不懈的恒心与毅力。

3. 通过学习国外著名影视界人物,培养学生了解、尊重异国文化,体现国际合作精神。

4. 通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。





1. 了解英语国家影视界艺术家的成长经历、成就和贡献。

2. 通过学习,了解世界著名影视文化,培养世界意识。

3. 通过中外影视文化对比,加深对中国影视文化的理解。



1.师生互动:教师提一些问题如Do you like seeing films? How often? Favorite actor? Actress? Film? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉并喜欢的名演员、名片的海报,从视觉上激发学生对本话题的兴趣。

2.小组活动:教师选取几副不同题材的电影画面(可选取教材外的其它画面),要求学生进行小组合作,每小组选一幅画面进行讨论What is happening in this scene? What happens before/after the scene? 要求学生不拘泥于已知的电影内容,发挥自己的想象力,给出各种不同的观点。


本单元的听力是培养学生捕捉特定信息的能力,并让学生熟悉interview这种形式。Task: To discuss what questions the reporters will ask when interviewing famous directors.


1. 师生互动:教师设置开放性的问题,进一步启发学生思考,并为过渡到听力部分做准备。问题可设置为:Of course these films now are very popular and successful, and what does the success of the films bring to the actors? 学生各抒己见,金钱、荣誉、名气,成为公众人物后带来一个问题They received a lot of interviews。

2. 小组活动:教师引出问题What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor?通过小组讨论,收集尽可能多的问题,一方面让学生预测听力中可能会出现的问题,同时也对interview这种形式有所了解。



Task: To interview famous actors and directors in different ways.


1、 师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对电影大奖及获奖演员的了解程度,为接下来的两位演员的介绍作好铺垫。问题可为Can you tell me some famous awards to the films in the world? Try to tell the famous actors, actresses and the films you know that have won the Oscar.

1. 班级活动:教师可为学生播放分别由Meryl streep和Keanu Reeves主演的电影Out of Africa《走出非洲》和 speed《生死时速》片段,并可展现他们主演的其它电影的海报,让学生在视觉上对这两位演员及他们的表演有所了解。

2. 个人活动,但先把学生分成两组,分组阅读,然后完成下面表格中的信息。

3. 小组活动:选两位学生,一位当主持人,一位当Meryl streep/Keanu Reeves,其他同学充当观众,模仿央视“艺术人生”的形式作一访谈,要求主持人留一些时间给观众提问。

1) Why are they so popular and successful?

2) What is needed to be an actor/actress?

3) Would you like to be an actor/actress one day? Why(not)?

6. 小组活动:教师播放电影“home alone”《小鬼当家》片段,将原声消去,让学生分组给出对白及表演,最后可让学生互评哪一组做得最好。

(四) Word Study(提前):


在教学过程中,先利用图片,实物等教具对学生进行直观的教学,使之有更清晰的认识后,再辅之以语境,利用语境来推测词义,达到猜词的效果。如给出The Matrix和The Matrix Reloaded的电影海报,学生很容易得出:The Matrix Reloaded is the follow-up of The Matrix。通过这样的铺垫,学生在做第七小题时,只要利用好文中的线索Speed II, Jurassic Park III就可以轻而易举的得出follow-ups。

作而突出导演的重要作用。Task: To experience being a director (write one scene of the film and act it out).

1.师生互动:教师提问If you want to make a film, who do you

need to invite?通过此问题引出电影制作过程中所需的各种角色,如photographer, actor/actress, editor, director等等


1)教师可设置这样的讨论题:What part would you like to play in making a film?根据选择分组,让他们讨论选择各角色的理由。同时讨论各角色在电影制作中所做的不同工作。通过讨论,学生不难发现,在电影的制作过程中,导演起了非常关键的作用。


Think of one scene you are quite familiar with and act it out.

a. What would the scene be like and what happens in it?

b. Who are the main actors in that scene and what do they do?

c. Write a short dialogue and act it out

本篇阅读材料是人物传记,介绍了著名导演Steven Spielberg 的成长经历以及他的主要成就和作品。通过文章的学习,旨在了解西方的电影文化背景以及学习名导Steven Spielberg的那种对自己的事业坚持不懈、孜孜以求的精神。

分别给出阅读材料中提到的五幅电影(Jaws, E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan)的图片,把学生分成不同的小组,对图片进行预测,各个小组根据不同的图片猜想影片的大概内容及主题。

快速阅读课文的Para3-5 , 查找出有关这5部电影内容和主题的信


1) When and where was he born?

2) When did he start making films?

3) What did he use to make films at first? and later?

4) What was his dream?

5) What did he study?

6) When and with what did his career take off?

7) What does Spielberg owe his success to?

该部分可分成两块,其中第二块内容可以提前到阅读中去完成,也可在读后总结,当学生读完影片内容时,可以根据自己的理解写出五部影片的内容是什么(写尝试应用定语从句,体验定语从句的结构)。第一块(Questions)中第1,3,5三个问题比较难,从文中直接找不到答案,也是学生理解上需要升华的部分。可以通过分组,让学生讨论来理解这几个问题。让学生领会以下几点:1)、英语作为工具的重要性 2)、不懈努力、持之以恒 3)、成功需要家人的支持,合作、互助精神。

这部分的重点是学习掌握关系副词when,where,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。Task: To talk about some famous directors in China and some of their most famous and popular films, using attributive clause.


1. 师生互动:教师提一些问题如What Chinese directors do you know?

What are their well-known films? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉的国内知名导演的海报,从视觉上激发学生的兴趣。然后谈论某个导演及他的代表作品,引出定语从句。

如Zhang Yimou is the famous director who successfully directed the film Hero.

2.小组活动:教师选取几副大家熟悉的国产大片的电影画面,要求学生进行小组讨论,分别来自什么电影,他们的男、女主角(main actor/actress)分别是谁。然后用定语从句知识来谈论。如:Shaolin Soccer is a funny film in which Zhou Xingchi plays the main role.

3.班级活动:给出几副图片及几个关键词(key words),用所学定语从句来描述图片。如:

北京申奥成功图 Beijing the city Beijing is the city where/in which the 2008 Olympic Games will be held.


该部分主要阅读张艺谋的影片Not One Less并学习如何评价电影及写影评。Task: Make comments on films and write reviews about them.

1. 师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对张艺谋及其主要作品的熟悉情况,为接下来阅读Not One Less 作铺垫。问题可为 What does he do? What is famous for? What films has he directed? What is his recent film? What else do you know about him? 同时呈现张的有关信息表格,为后面的Survey 作铺垫。通过提问谈论《一个也不能少》有关情节,为阅读作铺垫。

2. 个人活动:阅读Not One Less ;回答问题,填写信息表。

3. 班级活动:学习写review 的有关建议。并以Not One Less 作为例子写影评一篇。

4.个人活动:Survey--Your favorite director and his film in china

5.小组活动:讨论关于Your favorite film What’s it about? What kind of story do you think it is? How do you think of the actors/ actresses?...

6.个人活动:模仿前面所学,写一篇影评 My Favorite Film


英语的课件 篇5

1、能够听、说、认读Let’s read部分的短文,完成相应的活动。


1、本课重点是操练巩固本单元11个职业名称的单词和重点句型:What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? How does he/she work?

2、本课难点是帮助学生理解短文中的新语言,如:help the bank use their money well. likes helping people. help tourists find their way.以及三个小建议。


How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

What does your father / mother do ?

Where does your father / mother work?

How does your father / mother go to work?

How does your father / mother go to work?


I.T:Now, I will introduce some my friends to you. What do they do ? Can you guess?

T:OK!Let’s meet my first friend. (投影出示卡片:She works in the school. She teaches English in the school. She loves her children very much. What does she do? She is a ___________)


II.用同样的方法阅读第二个片断.(投影出示卡片:He works in a car company. He likes math and drawing very much. He can design(设计) many cool cars. What does he do? He is an ______________.)

师生齐读内容,出示单词卡,教读design。之后师问:What does he do ? can you guess?

S3: Maybe he is an engineer.T: Yes, he is an engineer. You are very clever!(揭示答案)

III.Now, let’s go on , meet my friends. I have many friends. (投影出示卡片:They like beautiful cities. They like traveling(旅游) very much. Who are they? They are ______________)

Can you read the passage? Have a try, please!



学习本课难点句子:Help the tourists find their way.并引导学生用英语描述路线。


(出示提示句子) Look! I think Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much. What do you think of Zhou Jielun?(学生看提示语和同位讨论)


投影出示句子。Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much.



用同样的方法讨论交流并学说句子:helps the bank use their money well.



VIII.投影出示刚才的三段短文。Can you read the passages by yourselves?学生看投影自由阅读。

T:Can you answer these questions? Ask and answer in your groups.


1. What does Zhou Jielun do?

2. What does Xiao Hong do ?

3. Who works in a school?

4. Who likes singing?

5. How does Miss Liang go to work?

6. Who help the bank use their money well?





A. How many friends do we have?

B. Who are they?

A. Wang Li is an engineer.

B. She likes reading English very much.

C. She designs many cars and buses.

D. She goes to work on foot.

A、 Li Xiaobin is a policewoman.

B、 He works is a hospital.

C、 He helps the bank use their money well.

D、 He goes to work by bus.

第三段:can you answer my questions?

A、What does Yuan Yuan do?

B、What does Yuan Yuan like?

C、How does Yuan Yuan go to work?


Let’s read all the passages together, OK?(齐读全部课文一遍)

Now questions for you? can you answer the questions on your English books?

Ask and answer in your groups, then write the answers on your English books.






T: Look! there are three tips here.(课前将文中的三条建议贴在黑板上)

老师读完三条建议后说:I want to be a singer, because I like singing very much. What about you?

S1: I want to be a teacher, because I like children.

T: Thank you. What else?

S2: I want to be an accountant. Because I like math very much.

T: Thank you. What else?

S3: I want to be a teacher, because I like students.

T: Thank you. What else? What about you?

S4: I want to be an English teacher. Because I like English very much.


(1)T: Now you are the managers in the many companies, and you need somebody work for your company.请你根据你们公司的工作性质,到人才市场去聘用一些人员为你的公司服务。(课前在学生的桌子上分好小纸条,上面写着虚拟身份的相关信息,每组为一个公司。)


Zhang Yong is a happy man. He likes helping the sick(病人)people.He likes white.

He wants to be a doctor. So I choose Zhang Yong. Because he wants to be a doctor, and Yongxin hospital needs a doctor.

I work in Yongxin hospital. I choose Zhang Yong. Because Yongxin hospital needs a doctor. And Zhang Yong wants to be a doctor.

Can you tell me? What about you?

Now you can stand up and look for the personnel for your company. OK?




(5)T: Boys and girls, toady, it’s very difficult to find a nice job. So we must work hard, and make a new day. OK?


英语的课件 篇6








男孩(师给他穿裙子):No,NO, I’m a boy

女孩(师给枪他玩):No,NO, I’m a girl


oys have short hair, wear trousers , like gun

Girls usualy have long hair , wear skirt ,like doll


T: Is he a girl?

S: No (回答原因)

T: Is she a boy ?


练习发音:Boy Girl


①谁的反应快?Boys stand up! Girls stand up!


教师请幼儿上来找自己的图标,并大声说I’m a boy/girl


Boys and girls stand in a line 下楼做游戏

名称《Clap Clap Clap your hands》


1、初步学念儿歌,理解nod/raise/strectsh 的含义




1、游戏Follow me 感知Slowly quickly

2、出示卡片,复习head arms legs




①教师介绍机器人可以用声音来控制。发出口令:nod your head / strectsh your arms / raise your legs 引起幼儿学习欲望。





《Shake my hands》







英语的课件 篇7

Lesson Plan Presentation

Reading Part in NSEFC Module 1 Unit1 Friendship——Anne’s Best Friend

Hello, everyone. I’m …. I’m very glad to be here to present my lesson plan. The lesson I’m going to talk about is the reading in NSEFC module 1 Unit1 Friendship. The title of the reading material is Anne’s Best Friend. I will present how to teach it and the reasons for doing so in the following aspects: the analyses of teaching material and learning condition, teaching objectives,the important and difficult points, teaching method, teaching procedures and blackboard notes.

First of all, I’d like to analyze the teaching material. The text is about the story of a Jewish girl who treated her diary as her best friend when she was hiding away from the Nazi during the Second World War. It mainly consists of two parts; the first part is the introduction of Anne and her diary named Kitty. The second part is a diary entry written by Anne in the form of letter addressed to Kitty. The text is a bit long and there are a lot of new words and expressions in it, especially in the letter.

Now, let’s move on to the analysis of learning conditions. The students are in grade1 in the senior school, they have achieved certain English level so they have no problem in comprehending the text and get the basic idea. They have learned the Second World War so their previous knowledge about it can lessen their difficulty of comprehension. But most of them maybe are not very familiar with the sufferings of the Jewish people during the war. I will introduce the related information rightly in the beginning of the lesson so as to prepare the students for the deep study of the text.

Based on the analyses of the teaching material and the learning condition, I’d like to propose the teaching objectives and the important and difficult points.

(1) language skill

Ss will improve their reading skills by training some of the reading skills, such as skimming, scanning. It is the important point of this lesson.

Ss will improve their writing skills by writing a letter to their friend. It is the difficult point of this lesson.

(2) language knowledge

Ss will master most of the new words and expressions in the text. This is the important point of this lesson.

Ss will know the direct speech and indirect speech.

(3) Affective objectives

Ss will have a deeper understanding of the friendship so they will cherish their friends more than ever before. Ss will realize the cruelty of the war and the importance of the peace.

(4) Culture awareness

Ss will know more about the Second World War, especially the persecution Jewish people suffered from the Nazi.

(5) Learning strategy

Ss will cultivate their ability of individual learning and cooperative learning.

As for the teaching methods, I mainly adopt audio-visual teaching method in the lead-in. During the reading process, I follow the top down modal to help the Ss to learn the text.

Now, here comes the most important part of my presentation—teaching procedures. I’ll finish the lesson in 4 steps within 45 minutes. They are:

Step1: Lead-in.


Step3: While reading.

Step 4: Post-reading.

At the end of the lesson, I will present the homework.

Now, let me introduce them step by step in details.

The first step is lead-in. It will cost 7minutes. At the beginning of the lesson, I will play a short video clip which is about the sufferings of the Jewish people during the Second World War. From it, Ss will know that many Jewish people were caught and killed by Nazi in the camps, so others had to hide away. Then I will ask Ss what they needed most when in hiding. Ss may come up with the food, clothes and so on. I will give them some hint and they will realize that friends are also very important for them. Then it will be very natural for me to tell them than there was a girl called Anne who had a very good friend during the hard time. In this process, I will introduce them three new words, they are: German, Netherlands, go through. In this step, I adopt audio-visual teaching method, because the pictures and sounds serves better to activate the Ss. So I use the video to attract the Ss’ attention. What’s more, the introduction of Jewish people’s suffering by this video clip provides them with the background information of this text.

Then I will move on to the second step---pre-reading. It will only cost 3 minutes. The Ss are required to guess who Anne’s best friend is and what happened to them by looking at the title and the pictures. Then I will ask several Ss to say their predictions but I will not tell them the answer directly in this step. Although not all the Ss can get the right answer, their mind can get closer to the theme of the text by predicting. So, later, when they read the passage they will concentrate more on it to check their predictions.

After pre-reading, we will move on to the while-reading step which costs 22 minutes in total. There are 5 activities, the first three of which deals with the first two paragraphs of the text which is also the first part of the text. And the last two activities deal with the second part.

The first activity is skimming. Ss are expected to skim the first part of text to work out the main idea. But as there is no topic sentence in this part, it is a bit difficult for students to tell the main idea with their own words. So I will present a multiple choice which covers the main idea of the text for them to choose from. This reduces the difficulty of the task as well as the Ss’ anxiety.

After getting the main idea, we will do another activity, namely, scanning. Ss are expected to scan the text to find some specific information, such as the place and the time of the story, etc. Ss can develop the ability of information gathering and independent learning.

After skimming and scanning, we will do the third activity of this step---close reading. I will help Ss learn the passage paragraph by paragraph. For the first paragraph, I will ask some questions like “According to Anne, what kind of person should a true friend be?” The answer to these questions cannot be taken directly from the text. Ss need to reorganize the sentences. If they can answer these questions, it means they have understood this paragraph. Then we will learn the second paragraph. For this one, I will ask one question “What did Anne say about her diary?” Ss may answer it by the original words said by Anne, I will catch this opportunity to tell them they change the direct speech into the indirect speech. But I will not go deeper, because they will learn this language point next period, so a simple introduction is ok.

This is all for the first part of the text. Then we will start to learn the letter. There are two activities for this part. The first one is skimming,they should skim the letter for the main idea first and I will present a multiple choice for them to choose from. Them we will learn the letter in detail in the next activity. For the first paragraph of the letter, I will ask them to find out the changing of Anne’s attitudes toward nature. Ss can find out that before hiding away, she paid no attention to the nature while she grew crazy about it when hiding. Then I will ask them to find out the reason. As for the second paragraph, Anne narrates two experiences of longing to get close to nature. So firstly, I will ask them to pick out the time of the experience and then we will study her feelings in the process. Of cause, we will learn some new word here, such as on purpose, at dusk and so on.

After the while-reading, comes the post-reading step. It will cost 12 minutes. In this step, I will firstly ask Ss if they have to go into hiding like Anne and her family, what they would like to say to their friends. Ss will talk in groups of four and share their ideas with each other. During the discussion, the Ss will be stimulated and also know the importance of friendship. It servers to make the Ss be prepared for the next activity---writing. After the discussion, the Ss shall write a letter to their friends individually. As they have talked about what they want to say to their friends, the difficulty of the writing is lowered because they have something to say. Ss are expected to write just a draft, for the time is limited.

Lastly, I will give Ss the homework. It will only cost one minute. Ss should not only review the new words and expressions of the text, but also polish their letter after class.

That’s all for the teaching procedure. And here is my blackboard note. On the right side, there are the words and expressions. In the middle, there are some points of the comprehension of the text.

That all for my lesson plan presentation thanks for your attention.

Blackboard notes:

Unit 1. Anne’s Best Friend

幻灯片投影布 Before: paid no attention to it


While: go crazy about it



Go through

Set down

A series of

英语的课件 篇8




(1)能够掌握本课时的四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。 (2)能够掌握本课时重点句型:How tall are you ? I am ......metres. I am taller. You are shorter aller than me. You’re youngerolder than me.



1、重点:学习单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer;掌握句子:How tall are you ? I’m 1.61 metres.I’m taller. You’re older than me,too.




1、Greeting:Nice to meet you again. How are you today?

2、Let’s chant

Tall, tall, tall, who is tall?

Tall, tall, tall, I am tall.

Short, short, short, who is short?

Short, short, short, I am short.

Big, big, big, whose(谁的) eyes are big?

Big, big, big, her eyes are big.

Small, small, small, whose eyes are small?

Small, small, small, his eyes are small.

Do some actions,review the words:tall、strong、short 等。


1、教师请几位高矮胖瘦不同的学生到台前来,让学生分辨Who is tall /strong/old/young/short?,然后让学生回答。

教师指着比较高的A和比较矮的B问: Who is tall ? S :A. T: A is taller than B , 用动作来示意学生,帮助学生理解。然后出示taller的单词卡片,示范读taller.


3、教师用同样的方法教学其他四个四会单词stronger 、older、 younger、 shorter。



6、教师领读几遍后,请学生根据实际情况说句子,比如“I’m taller than ….I’m short than ….”等。教师要及时鼓励表述好的学生。

7、教师把一高一矮的学生叫他们站起来,然后说You’re taller than your classmate! 引导学生做出相应的回答:Yes! 教师问,How tall are you ?学生答I’m 160cm

8、教师和另一个学生对话作示范,How tall are you ?I’m 150cm tall. I’m taller than you. I’m 4cm taller than you ..学生分组开火车练习,最快的为优胜组。





1.每名学生尝试用句型“I’m ---- than ----“来描述自己。至少三句话。


3.Let’s chant。


1.Let's play 学生小组玩游戏。




2. 询问他人年龄、身高、体重。

(运用句型How old/tall/heavy are you? )


Unit 1 How tall are you

A Let's learn

I'm taller than you.

tall-taller short –shorter

young-younger old-older


英语的课件 篇9

English Pronunciation Courseware: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Pronunciation


Pronunciation is a vital aspect of language learning, and it is an essential component of effective communication. Clear and accurate pronunciation helps to convey messages clearly and effectively, and it fosters better understanding between the speaker and the listener. In this English pronunciation courseware, we will explore ways to improve your pronunciation skills and achieve greater confidence in speaking English.

Section 1: Understanding English Pronunciation

English pronunciation can be challenging for non-native speakers due to the complexity of the language. In this section, we will explore the basics of English pronunciation, including:

- English vowel and consonant sounds

- English intonation patterns and stress

- English rhythm and timing

- Common pronunciation errors made by non-native speakers

Section 2: Tools and Techniques for Improving Pronunciation

In this section, we will explore various tools and techniques that can be used to improve English pronunciation, such as:

- Tongue twisters and other pronunciation exercises

- Speech therapy apps and software

- Recordings of native speakers

- Dictation exercises and quizzes

- Pronunciation drills and practice sessions

Section 3: Common Pronunciation Problems and Solutions

In this section, we will identify common pronunciation problems that non-native speakers face when learning English, such as:

- Incorrect vowel and consonant sounds

- Misplacement of stress and intonation

- Rhythm and timing issues

- Overuse of a non-native accent

- Difficulty with certain sounds or words

We will also explore solutions to these problems, such as:

- Practicing specific sounds in isolation

- Focusing on natural stress and intonation patterns

- Listening to and imitating native speakers

- Developing an awareness of common pronunciation errors

- Breaking down complex words into syllables for easier pronunciation


The English Pronunciation Courseware is designed to be a comprehensive and engaging guide to mastering English pronunciation. By understanding the basics of English pronunciation and developing an awareness of common problems and solutions, non-native speakers can improve their pronunciation skills and achieve greater success in communicating in English. With practice and perseverance, anyone can learn to speak English clearly and effectively.




