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高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案   第10讲非谓语动词 来源:中学学科网   非谓语动词:包括不定式to do,动名词doing,过去分词done及现在分词doing. 动词不定式: 1.作主语或表语。 1) It is hard _____ a high mountain.(climb)   (不定式作主语,常用it作形式主语。) 2) The only way to reach the edge of the forest ___ the narrow dirt path in front of us. A. was to take  B. was to taking C. will take  D. was taken (不定式作表语,常用来说明主语内容。) 2.某些动词后须跟不定式to do作宾语: e.g. afford, agree, decide, demand, offer, determine, hope, expect, wish, happen, fail, manage, desire, long(渴望), plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, intend, seem;…  3.某些动词后须用不定式作宾补v.+n.+to do e.g. advise, allow, permit, forbid, ask, beg, cause, choose, drive(驱使), enable, encourage, expect, wish, force, get, invite, prefer, tell, think,  want, warn, order, require, call on, depend on… 4.动词let, have, make, notice, watch, observe, feel, hear, see, 后用动词原形作宾补. 如改为被动语态,省掉的to要还原。 e.g. I heard Mary sing last night. Mary was heard to sing last night.  5.某些结构后面要用省to的不定式(即动词原形):  would/had rather,  would you please,  had better,  rather than(而不是)   6.不定式作定语时,与其修饰的名词有主谓关系或动宾关系。 e.g. 1) I haven’t decided which hotel ______. A.  to stay  B. to be stayed at C. to stay at  D. for staying  2) The old scientist has been invited to a party _____ next Monday evening. A.  holding B. held C. to be held D. being held  3) Little Betty found __________. A.  with no one to play  B. no one to play with C. no one to be played with  D. no one to play 4) a. Mr Smith is the very doctor ______.   b. Mr Smith is the very doctor for you __. A. to be sent for  B. to send for C. sending for  D. to be sent 7.疑问词+不定式 to do:相当于一个名词从句,常用来作主语,表语,宾语或状语。 e.g. He doesn’t know____ to stay or not. A. if B. either  C. whether  D. if he will  Last summer I took a course on _____. A.  how to make dresses B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dresses D.  how are dresses made  不定式的省略: ---Did your brother go to the party? ---No, but he _______. A. planned it  B. planned to C. planned so D. planned  形容词easy, difficult, hard, fit后的动词不定式用主动形式表被动意义。 e.g. I found the German Language hard _____.A. to be learned B. to learn  C. learned D. learning   动名词doing 1.作主语:动名词表一种抽象的和泛指的概念,而不定式表一次性的,具体的动作。 e.g. Swimming is a good exercise. To swim across that river is possible some day when I grow up.  用在It is no use (good, a waste of time, not an easy task )…和there be no (no use)…结构中。 e.g. It is no good _____ the stable door when  the horse is stolen. A. closing  B. to shut  C. locking D. to lock There is no use ______ him at this hour. A.  to call  B. called  C. to ring  D. calling  2.作宾语:某些动词后只跟动名词作宾语。 admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, fancy(爱好), suggest, excuse(原谅), finish, mind, miss, practise, allow,risk(冒险), advise,  give up…  3.有些动词后即可接不定式,又可接动名词,但意义不一样: e.g. remember, forget, regret  +to do 动作未发生 + doing动作已发生 e.g. I remember to post the letter. I remember posting the letter. try to do 尽力做 try doing尝试做 stop to do stop doing mean to do打算做 mean doing意味着做  4.sth. need, require, want + doing某事需要被 e.g. The bike needs repairing. = The bike needs to be repaired. This place is worth traveling hundreds of miles to see.  5.动名词复合结构:(动名词带上自己的逻辑主语) e.g. His/ John’s coming made us happy. (作主语) Do you mind my /me/Mary’s/Mary going to your party? (作宾语)  6.动名词完成式与被动形式: e.g. He didn’t mention having met me.   I apologize for not having kept my promise. Being killed by sharks was a common thing here.   分词 过去分词常表完成的被动动作,而现在分词常表正在进行的主动动作。 ●现在分词 一、现在分词的'基本特征:表主动的,进行的,表特征 二、现在分词的用法 ①现在分词作表语,表示主语的特征或和连系动词连用构成进行时态。 The book is interesting. The present situation is more encouraging than ever before. The girl is watering the trees. 现在分词作表语一般可以译成“使、令…的” ②现在分词作定语表示所修饰的名词的特征,或修饰名词所做的动作。 单个的现在分词作定语必须前置;现在分词短语则后置。 现在分词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句,都可以变成一个相应的定语从句。 现在分词作定语所修饰的名词有主谓关系。   He is a promising young man. 他是个大有前途的年轻人。 I have a friend living in London. (=I have a friend who lives in London.) ③现在分词作状语,多用来表示伴随、时间、原因、方式等。现在分词作状语它的逻辑主语是主句的主语。 如果分词表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,并且已经完成,用现在分词的完成形式。 They stood by the road, reading books. Having stepped into the cave, Crusoe lit a fire. ④现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行,动作是宾语发出的,主动的,多用于使役动词或感官动词之后。 We saw a light burning in the window. I cant get the clock going again. 现在分词的完成式,否定式,被动形式: e.g. a.Having worked among the workers for many years, he knew them very well. b. Not having received an answer, he decided to write another letter to them. c. Can you see the building being built? d. Having been put into prison, he felt hopeless.   ●过去分词 一、过去分词的基本特征 表被动的、完成的、表状态 二、过去分词的用法 ①过去分词作表语,和连系动词一起表示主语的状态或表示被动语态(动词应是及物动词)。 The glass is broken. She is quite pleased. The glass was broken by Li Hua. ②过去分词作定语多表示被动意义和完成意义。动作发生在谓语动词之前。 其前置和特征与现在分词相同。过去分词作定语所修饰的名词有被动关系或系表关系。 He is a man loved by all. I hate to read letters written in pencil.   ③过去分词作状语与现在分词作状语一样,可以表示伴随、时间、原因、方式等。 过去分词作状语必须注意它表示的动作是该句主语发不出来的或表示主语的状态, 但其逻辑上的主语应是主句的主语。 When (water is ) heated, water changes into steam. ④过去分词作宾补,多表示宾语的状态或被动意义。动作是宾语发不来的。 多用于使役动词、感官动词和like, want, wish, order等表示“希望”“要求”等意义的动词后面。 特别注意“have+宾语+过去分词”这一结构的用法。 I have to have my hair cut.   You should make yourself understood by all.   独立主格结构:在用分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语一般必须与句子主语一致。 如不一致,分词须带上自己的逻辑主语。常表伴随的动作或情况。 e.g. a. He rushed into the classroom, his face covered with sweat. b. Weather permitting, we’ll have an outing tomorrow. c. So many teachers being absent, we decided to put the meeting off. d. His work finished, he prepared to return to his home. e. There are 180 competitors to take part in this game, the youngest being a boy of 10.





一般式 主动 to do doing 动词的过去分词只有一种形式即done。及物动词的过去分词常表示被动和完成,而个别动词(多数是不及物动词)只表示完成

被动 to have been done having been done

进行式 to be doing ×

完成进行式 to have been doing ×

2. 非谓语动词在句子中的功能:

不定式 √ √ √ √ √ √ ×

_ing形式 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

过去分词 × × √ √ √ √ ×

一. 动词不定式的时态:


1. When I spoke to him, he pretended ___________(look) for something here and there.

2. He looked tired. He seemed ______________(work) all night.

3. Charles Babbage is generally considered ___________(invent) the first computer.

4. I would love _________ (go) to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

5. He ordered the man __________ (go) there at once.

二. 动词不定式的语态:


(1).在easy, difficult, hard, heavy, light, fit, nice, comfortable等表示性质特征的形容词之后的不定式或用这些词修饰一个名词后跟的不定式常用主动表示被动;

(2).少数动词如blame(责备), let(出租)等的不定式作表语时常用主动表示被动。

6. This sentence is easy ___________ (understand).

7. I can’t go out with you today, as I have a lot of clothes_________ (wash).

8. “Have you any clothes __________ (wash) today?” asked the maid (女佣).

9.Our school is a nice place _________ (visit).

10. I found the chair comfortable _________ (sit) in.

11. I think the question difficult ________ (answer).

12. It’s I who am ________ (blame).

13. The officer ordered the soldiers ________ (fire) the guns.

14. The officer ordered the guns _________ (fire).




15. ________ (Walk) through the park, I saw some lovely flowers.

16. He was praised for __________ (teach) for 60 years.

17. I heard him __________ (sing) when I passed his room.

18. _________ (Finish) the work, he went home.

19. He insisted on _________ (join) the army.



主动;若它们之间是动宾关系,-ing动词就要用被动。但在动词need, want, require,及形容


20. He won’t come without __________ (invite).

21. The flowers in the garden need _______ (water).

22. Thank you for _________ (give) us so much help.

23. The building ________ (build) now will be a hospital.

24. ________ (give) such a good chance, how could she let it slip?

25. The book is well worth ________ (read).



26. ________ (refuse) him is not easy this time.

27. _________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both the young and old.

28. ________ (teach) English is my job.

29. ________ (be) a teacher is her greatest wish in the future.


30. ______ (see) is to believe.==________ (see) is believing.

31. ________ (say) is easier than to do.

32. ________ (speak) a foreign language is more difficult than reading it.



It + be + 形容词或名词+ (for / of sb.) + to do sth.

It + take + sb. +some time / sth. + to do sth.

It + be + no use / no good / useless / a waste of sth. / worth + doing sth.

There + be + no + doing sth. (做某事是不行或不可能的)

33. It was foolish of you _________ (give) up what you rightly owned.

34. There is no ________ (hold) back the wheel of history.

35. I think it’s no good _______ (argue) with your parents.


(1)、有些及物动词后只能接动词不定式作宾语,不能接-ing形式,常见的有:hope, wish, expect, decide, promise, offer, agree, manage, pretend, plan, refuse, fail 等等。

(2)、有些及物动词后只能接动词的_ing形式作宾语,不能接不定式,常见的有:enjoy, imagine, risk, appreciate, suggest, advise, admit, miss, practise, forbid, avoid, resist, escape, delay, finish, permit, allow, mind, keep, consider, excuse 等等。

(3)、有些动词后既可以接不定式,也可以接-ing形式作宾语,意义相同,常见的有:begin, start, continue, intend, bear, attempt等等。但要注意,begin, start 如遇下面三种情况时接不定式为最佳:

A. 句子的主语是物而不是人时,如:The ice began to melt.

B. 当begin, start 用了进行时态时, 如:He’s beginning to understand it.

C. 当begin, start 后作宾语的动词属于心理活动、精神状态类动词(如realize, understand, love, like, know 等等)时,如:It began to rain and I began to realize I should go home.

(4)、有些动词后既可以接不定式,也可以接-ing形式作宾语,意义有细微差别,常见的动词有:like / love / prefer / hate to do sth.(表示一个特定的、一次性的、将来的动作)

like /love / prefer /hate doing sth. (表示一般的、习惯性的、或正在进行的动作)

36. I like _________ (swim) but I don’t like _______ (swim) today.

37. Would you love ________ (go) to the zoo with us?

38. I felt like _______ (cry) at the news.


39. We must try ________ (finish) the work on time.

Let’s try _______ (work) out the maths problem in another way,

40. I remember ______ (see) her somewhere before.

You must remember _______ (post) the letter for me.

41. He forgot ______ (pay) and asked to be paid again.

Don’t forget _______ (turn) off the light when you leave.

42. I regret _______ (miss) such a good chance.

I regret _______ (say) that I can’t lend you so much money.

43. Doing like that means _________ (cheat).

I didn’t mean ________ (hurt) your feeling that day.

44. I can’t help ________ (do) housework today. I’m busy preparing a report.

I couldn’t help _________ (think) of my childhood while seeing the film.

45. When the teacher came in, the students stopped _______ (talk).

As he was very busy that day, he didn’t stop _______ (talk) with me.

46. Though it was raining, the peasants went on ________ (work) in the fields.

After listening to the text, we went on _______(read).

47. The baby needs ______ (look) after. =The baby needs ________ after.

You don’t need _______ (look) after the baby today.

48. Our school is well worth ________ (visit).

Our school is well worthy ________ (visit).= Our school is well worthy of _________.


49. I have no choice but _______ (wait).

50. He gave me some advice on how _______ (study) it well.

51. He has no idea of what _______ (do) next.

52. I was about ______ (go) out when it began to rain.

注意:A. 下面短语中的to是介词,后面要接动词的-ing形式而不接不定式。

devote---to---, look forward to, pay attention to, prefer---to---, lead to, be close to, refer to, belong to, as to, get down to, owing to, be / get /become used to(习惯于------),等等。

B.有些短语中介词经常省略,这时要注意接动词的-ing形式,如:be busy (in) doing sth., spend money /time (in) doing sth., have difficulty /trouble / problems (in) doing sth., prevent / stop ---(from) doing sth.,等等。


主语+ make / feel /think /find /consider, etc. + it + adj. / n. + (for / of sb.) + to do sth.

主语+ make /feel /think /find /consider, etc. + it + no good /no use /useless + doing sth.




(3)、过去分词作表语通常表示主语所处的状态,常具有被动含义(主要是一些表示感情情绪的词,译为“感到……的”),这样的动词常见的有:surprise, move, excite, interest, shock, tire, bore, touch, encourage, disappoint, invite, inspire, amuse等等。如:

53. No one is ______ (leave) this building without the permission of the police.

54. My job is ______ (teach) English and my wish is ______ (be) a lawyer.

55. The president is ______ (visit) our country next month.

56. The speech was very _________ (move) and we were all _______ (move) to tears.



A. 一个发生在谓语动词之后的动作。如:

The building to be built next month will be a hospital.

B. 被修饰的名词与用作定语的不定式之间可能是逻辑上的“主+谓”关系,也可能是逻辑上的“动+宾”关系。如:

Do you have anyone to help you? (“主+谓”关系)

I have nothing to write. (“动+宾”关系) 我没有什么东西可写。

C. 如果是“动+宾”关系,动词不定式之后有时需要添上适当的介词,而在名词time, place, moment, way等之后的不定式所带的介词可以省略,如:

I have nothing to write on. 我没有什么东西可以上面写字。

I have nothing to write with. 我没有什么东西可以用来写字。

I have no time to rest.

注意:这种带介词的不定式短语常可以转换为“介词+which / whom+不定式”的结构。例:They had only a cold room to live in.==

They had only a cold room in which to live.

D. 下列情况常用不定式作定语:

当句子中的谓语是一些特定的动词,如:be, find, get, give, have, need, want等,它们后面的名词(宾语或表语)常用不定式修饰。

当名词前有特定的定语,如:first, last, next, only, second以及形容词最高级时,其后常用不定式作定语。

在There be句型中,主语之后常用不定式作定语。

有一些特定的名词之后常用不定式作定语,常见的有:time, chance, right, promise, wish, plan, means, ability等。

例:You have no right to speak here.

He is the only person to know the truth.

There is nothing to worry about.

My parents had no chance to go to college.


A. 被修饰名词的用途,如:a sleeping car, a waiting room, a walking stick, etc.

B. 被修饰名词的性质特征,如:exciting news, a moving story, etc.

C.被修饰名词正在进行的动作,如:a falling leaf, a burning stick, boiling water, etc.


A. 被动,如:He is a man loved by all the people.

B. 完成,如:The building built last year is our classroom building.

a fallen leaf, a developed country, boiled water

C. 被修饰名词所处的状态,如:an excited boy, the disappointed parents, surprised eyes, etc.



目的:to do sth.; in order to do sth.; so as to do sth.

结果:so + adj. /adv. + as to do sth.; such + n. + as to do sth.; enough to do sth.; too…to do sth.; only to do sth.

原因:be happy / glad / sorry / sad ,etc. + to do sth.


57. He raised his hand ________ the taxi stop. (have)

58. _______ from the top of the hill, our school looks more beautiful. (see)

59. The parents died, _______ him an orphan. (leave)

60. ______ to college, he works very hard. (go)

61. I’m not such a boy as ______ him. (believe)

62. _______ ill, he was sent to a hospital. (be)

注意:A. 非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语,如:

(×)Being a fine day, we went out for an outing.

(√)As it was a fine day, we went out for an outing.

(√)It being a fine day, we went out for an outing.

(×) Hearing the news, tears came to my eyes.

(√)Hearing the news, I burst into tears.

(√)When I heard the news, tears came to my eyes.


to tell (you) the truth, to be honest, (老实说)

generally / strictly / exactly speaking (一般/严格/准确地说)

including (其中包括……) compared with / to… (与……相比)


(1)、有许多动词,如:ask, tell, allow, force, cause, encourage, 等之后都可以接不定式作宾语补足语。

(2)、在感官动词notice, observe, feel, hear, listen to, see, watch, look at之后可以接三种非谓语动词作补语,其区别在:_ing作补语表示与谓语动词同时进行的动作,如果这个动作与宾语是被动关系,还要用其被动形式being done;过去分词作补语常表示一个完成被动的动作;不定式作补语可以表示一个全过程、一个具体的、将来的、或经常性的动作。如:

63. I saw the classroom ________ (clean) when I passed by it.

64. The missing children were last seen ______ (play) by the river.

65. I often hear him ________ (sing) in the next room.

66. I saw the room _________ (clean). Everything was put in order.

67. I saw him ________ (open) the door, _______ (walk) into the room, and ______ (sit) down at the desk.


A.have sb. do sth.==get sb. to do sth. “请/叫/让某人做某事” 与宾语的关系是主动的。

B.have sb./ sth. doing sth.“使某人一直做某事/容许某人做某事”,强调主动和进行。

C.get sb. doing sth.“使某人开始做某事”。

D.have sb./sth. done ==get sb./sth. done“使某人/某物被……或使……遭受……”,表示被动

E.make /let sb. do sth.表主动。

F. make /let sb. /sth. /oneself done 表示被动。

(4)、有些动词后不能接非谓语动词特别是不定式作宾语补足语,常考的动词有:agree, refuse, hope, suggest, demand, etc.

(5)、有些动词后需要接_ing作宾语,而接不定式作宾语补足语,常见的动词有:advise, allow, permit, forbid, encourage等。

例:68.You’d better have someone else _______ (help) you. I’m too busy.

69.He already had his eyes ________ (examine) in the hospital yesterday.

70.The speaker explained it again to make himself _______ (understand).

71.We don’t allow _____ (smoke) in our classroom.

72.He didn’t allow his son _____ (play) computer games.


His habit, studying at night, remains unchanged.

The gesture for “OK”, making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger, has different meaning in different countries.

一、 否定结构:


例:Excuse me for not coming back in time.

Not having received a reply, He decided to writer again.

He advised me never to go out alone at night.


(1)、for sb. to do sth.(侧重动作), 可以用于各种句子结构中。

(2)、of sb. to do sth.(侧重对逻辑主语品行的评价),这种结构主要用于下列形容词之后:bad, brave, careful careless, clever, foolish, cruel, kind, rude, polite, stupid等。

73.It’s very important ____ us to learn English well.

74.It’s very foolish ____ you to believe him. == You are very foolish to believe him

75.There are a lot of difficulties ____ them to overcome.

76.I stepped aside ____ her to pass.



Would you mind opening the door? (You open the door.)

Would you mind my / me opening the door? (I open the door.)


His being ill made us very sad.


Can you hear the noise of the machine running.

Is there any hope of him and his sister winning the prize?


77.All the work_______ (do), he had a rest. (时间状语)

78.Weather ________ (permit), we will go outing tomorrow.(条件状语)

79.The boy stood there, his right hand _______ (raise). (伴随情况)

80.He _____ (be) ill, we sent him to a hospital. (原因状语)

81.There ______ (be) no buses, we had to walk home.(原因状语)

(2)、由“with/without +名词/代词宾格+动词_ing /过去分词/不定式/介词(短语)/形容词/副词”等构成,在句子中可以作状语或定语。如:

82.The murderer was brought in, with his hands _____ (tie) behind his back.

83.With a lot of work ____ (do), I can’t go to the cinema with you.

84.He left without anybody ______ (know).

五、“连接词+ to do”,“when/while/though/unless/if, etc. + done /doing”结构的区别

(1)、“连接词+to do”相当于一个名词的作用,在句中作主语、宾语和表语,常可以转换成由该连词引出的从句。

(2)、“when/while/though/unless/if, etc. + done/doing” 在句子中只能作状语,主句的主语是此结构中doing和done的逻辑主语,如果它们之间的关系是主动的,就用doing,是被动的就用done。

85. Please tell me what _______ (do ) next. ==Please tell me what I should do next.

86. The problem is whether _______ (go) by bus or by plane.

87. When ______ (start) the project hasn’t been decided yet.

88. Be careful when / while ________(cross) the street.

89. When________ (heat), ice will melt.

90. He won’t go to the party unless _______ (invite).

一、 省略不定式符号to的情况:

(1).不定式在感官动词notice, observe, feel, hear, listen to, see, watch, look at, 和使让动词have, make, let 之后作宾语补足语时,符号to必须省略。但是当这些动词用于被动语态时,动词不定式变为主语补足语,符号to不能省略。

例:We often hear him sing the song at home.→ He is often heard to sing the song at home.


(3).两个或两个以上的不定式由连词and / or / than / but 等连接时,从第二个不定式起的符号to常常省略。

例:The students are taught to read, write and do many other things.

例:It’s more difficult to do than to say.

The teacher came not to punish you but to help you.

I wondered whether to stay or to leave.


What we want to do now is (to) lie down and rest.

The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank her.

(5).在why或why not引起的表示建议或责问的省略问句中不能带to。

Why quarrel with your mother? Why not join us?

(6).在一些类似情态动词的词组如:had better, would rather … than … , can’t (help / choose) but 等之后的动词不带to。

(7).不定式作but或except的宾语时,若前面有实意动词do / does / did / to do等形式,不带to。如:

I did nothing but / except do my homework last night.

She had nothing to do but wait.

(8).当助动词do / does / did用来加强语气或构成倒装句时,其后的动词不能带to。如:

Seldom does he go home this term. I did tell him the news.


She didn’t dare (to) ask the teacher.

(10).在美国口语中,用在祈使语气中表示目的,在动词come / try / go / run等之后的不定式可以不带to。如:

Come tell me if he arrives. Go tell your mother. Try open the door again.

二、 省略to之后的动词部分的情况:


号to,此时省略的成分相当于do so,这种结构一定要有上文或一定的语境。如:

_ Will you go with me? _ Well, I’d like to.

_ Why didn’t you bring an umbrella with you? _ I meant to, but I forgot about it.

The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to.

He can’t eat as much as he used to.

注意:当不定式内容是助动词be / have时,to后要保留原形的be / have。如:

He hasn’t succeeded in the exam, but in fact he ought to have.

She is no longer what she used to be.

1. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _______ at the meeting by my boss.

A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned

2. Helen had to shout _______ above the sound of the music. (2004 Ⅲ)

A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear

C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard

3. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live. ()

A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing

4. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person ______ .()

A. to send B. for sending it C. to send it to D. for sending it to

5. Victor apologized for ______ to inform me of the change in the plan. (2004)

A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able

6. _ Mum, why do you always ask me to eat an egg every day?

_ ______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. (NMET)

A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting

7. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult. (NMET1999)

A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make

8. European football is played in 80 countries, ______ it the most popular sport in the world. (NMET). A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

9. Don’t leave the water _______ while you brush your teeth. (2004)

A. run B. running C. being run D. to run

10. With two exams _______ , I have to work really hard this weekend. (2004)

A. worrying about B. worried about C. to worry about D. to worry

11. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _______ in your mind instead of before your eyes. (2004)

A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed

12. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to ______ before the party. (2004)

A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change

13. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kitchen. (2003)

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

14. Alice returned from the manager’s office, _______ me that the boss wanted to see me at once. (2004). A. having told B. tells C. to tell D. telling

15. _______ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. (2004) A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have wait

参考答案:1~5 CDBCC 6~10 CBABC 11~15 CABDC

第二节:1. to be looking 2. to have been working 3. to have invented 4. to have gone

5. to go 6. to understand 7. to wash 8. to be washed

9.to visit 10. to sit 11. to answer 12. to blame

13. to fire 14. to be fired 15. Walking 16. having taught

17.singing 18. having finished 19. joining 20. being invited

21. watering 22. giving 23. being built 24. Given

第三节:26. To refuse 27. Walking 28. Teaching 29. To be

30. To see; Seeing 31. To say 32. Reading 33. to give

34. holding 35. arguing 36. swimming; to swim 37. to go

38. crying 39. to finish; working 40. seeing; to post 41. being paid; to turn 42. missing; to say 43. cheating; to hurt 44. to do; thinking 45. talking; to talk

46. working; to read 47. looking/to be looked; to look 48. visiting; to be visited/being visited 49. To wait 50. to study 51. to do 52. to go 53. to learn

54. teaching; to be 55. to visit 56. moving; moved 57. to have 58. Seen

59. leaving 60. to go 61. to believe 62. Being 63. being cleaned/cleaned

64. playing 65. sing 66. cleaned 67. open; walk; sit 68. help

69. examined 70. understood 71. smoking 72. to play

第四节:73. for 74. of 75. for 76. for 77. done 78. permitting

79. raised 80. being 81. being 82. tied 83. to do 84. knowing

85. to do 86. to go 87. to start 88. crossing 89. heated 90. invited











2.对艾滋病人的态度 attitudes towards AIDS

be transmitted via the following routes

keep me from feeling sad and lonely

break down the body’s immune system

make me realize how precious life is

the total number of infected children

deal with people’s fear of the disease

take every chance to live life to the fullest

spend more money on AIDS research and education

win a prize at a piano competition

30.拥抱某人 give an AIDS patient a hug

be completely free from diseases

32.遇到许多困难 meet many difficulties

continue struggle with the disease

it is no use doing sth.

discourage/keep/stop/prevent sb from doing

waste time playing computer games

take me to hospital to have me examined

there was a sad look in one’s eyes

teach me an important lesson about life

learn to appreciate every minute of each day

11.以防紧急情况 in case of an emergency

wash the wound with cold running water

send whatever you find to the hospital

20.人工呼吸 the mouth-to-mouth method

put a finger on the person’s neck or wrist

cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth

press on the wound to stop the bleeding

put the person in the recovery position

prevent bad things from happening

manage to know enough to save lives

32.保持平静不理睬她 keep calm and ignore her

34.没有明显的反应 give no clear response

discuss the questions in groups of four

5.欢迎参加地球峰会 welcome to the earth summit

list as many reasons as possible

8.这次峰会的主题 the main themes of the summit

learn to live in harmony with nature

have access to clean drinking water

take part in the new world we create

there is still time to take action

25.对环境不利 be bad for the environment

27.与大自然协调 in harmony with nature

28.在全世界传播 spread across the world

29.不要砍伐树木stop cutting down trees

put an end to the death and suffering

31.有可能会 there is good chance that

33.保护水资源 protect the water resources

have true equality of opportunity with men

show great willingness to come and help

38.限制汽车的数量limit the number of cars

not know much about global warming

finish writing his report on environmental protection

4.飓风袭击海岸 a hurricane hits the coast

5.一点也不/很,非常 not a bit/ not a little

die in an unforgettable disaster

13.风一下子小了下去 wind fell all at once

the roar of the winds drew near fast

15.风暴中心 the very eye of the wind

hold his course directly into danger

25.帮助别人镇静 help the other calm down

26.给大家留下印象 give everyone the impression

promise to offer one million pounds in aid

be warmly welcomed on his arrival

don’t look very much like a teacher

31.立即倒地死去了 immediately fall down dead

33.记忆犹新 memories are still fresh

34.择要摘取 pick out the important bits

38坏天气就要来临 dirty weather knocking about

39.返回到故乡 return to their home village

the most outstanding new breakthroughs

7.破解生命之谜solve the mysteries of life

be filled with great achievements

share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill

12.发展经济实力 increase economic power

13.抓住机会到国内来实现他们的理想grasp the opportunity to develop their ideas at home

16.世界一流be among the world’s best

support it with strong arguments

rely on science technology and knowledge

deal with and learn from failure

contribute to his country at the same time

30.达到……目标 achieve / reach its goal

lead to several breakthroughs in science and technology

a time when we can beat all diseases

find a way to keep us young forever

11.把…向前推进一步take…one step further

lay the foundation of modern science fiction

17.结果是潜艇 turn out to be a submarine

18.越洋航行on a voyage across the oceans

19.身高八尺 about eight feet in height

22.整周超时工作 work overtime all week

the works of many brilliant scientists

be transported to the destination by train

33.开始了第一次航行 set out on its first voyage

34.沉入海底 sink to the bottom of the sea

become a permanent pain in people’s hearts

40.在十一月的一个夜晚on a night in November

4.把淡水装入杯子 fill one glass with fresh water

6.把杯子翻转 turn the glass upside down

be sensitive to environmental pollution

the temperature drops below 0℃


raise the temperature by one degree centigrade

keep steady by absorbing and giving off heat

15.对温度的巨变和突变很敏感be sensitive to large and sudden changes in temperature

16. 释放出大量的热 give off a lot of heat

break down both solids and gases

become available to other living creatures

continue working at this company

22.河流与大洋交汇where a river meets the ocean

be measured in kilograms per cubic metre

take advantage of the density of water

receive the Nobel Peace Price (for peace)

shake the foundations of the nation

be active in the women’s rights movement

make him famous all over the world

fight for political rights for black people

achieve that goal by peaceful actions

a good way to come up with new ideas

26.被警察逮捕 be arrested by the police

1.提供一张免费机票 offer a free air ticket

2.立刻对它进行调查 look into it immediately

5.庆百岁生日celebrate its one hundredth birthday

9.位于奥地利南部 located in southern Austria

11.没有必要担心there is no need to worry

should you have enough energy left

be brought up in a mountainous village

attract visitors from all over the world

go on a trip to a far-away destination

choose between different alternatives

prefer to make their own arrangements

25.需要带些现金 need to bring some cash

be proud to display its new image

keep in touch with his former classmates

the whole wildlife chain of the plains

list similarities and differences

3.为社会做贡献 make a contribution to society

cooperate to reach their goals in life

9.适应了自己的生活方式 adjust my way of life

11.同情残疾人 have sympathy for the disabled

12.在绘画方面有天分 be gifted in painting

16.出席国际会议attend an international meeting

19.多方面的斗士 fighters in more than one way

20.给…以尊敬treat…with dignity and respect

21.改善生活质量 improve the quality of life

25.保持积极的态度 keep a positive attitude

20.被难题困住 get stuck in a difficult problem

21.在音乐方面展示才华show his talent for music

23.明显不同于 be clearly different from

27.把..翻译成 translate…into…

7.娶某人 marry sb.

it’s useless trying to argue with

29.我收到你的信 your letter reached me

35.像生命一样宝贵 as dear to me as life

1.很难找出来 be difficult to find out

in terms of technical development

through trade and cultural links


dip into here and there in a word once again look out for above all refer to shut up key to in other words take turns look over one’s shoulder remind sb. of offer(n.) fix a date for on one’s way to show sb. around have a gift for offer…to lead to so long as hear sb.’s advice value(v.) call in after all eat up report sb. to sb. work out

Will you come to…?

Yes, I’d love to…

Would you like to…?

Yes, that’s very kind/nice of you.

I’d like to invite you to…

I’d love to, but…

I apologize… Never mind.

Please excuse me… It’s not important.

I ought to… Don’t worry.

What a shame! Forget it !

She swallowed the medicine with the help of some water.


He just swallows his food; he is always in a hurry.


I haven’t read that book properly. I’ve only dipped into it.


I’ve only dipped into politics.


In a word, I don’t trust him.


Tom is brave, careful and calm. In a word, he is admirable.


无被动结构,也不用进行时态。下列单词和词组也无被动形式:appear, disappear, happen, take place, break out等。

The house belongs to him.这所房子归他所有。

The book belongs to my deskmate.


5.be likely to 易于……;有可能的.


I shall be likely to catch cold if I go out tonight without my overcoat.


Is that magazine likely to interest you?


6.get a general idea of 对……了解大意(大概情况)

Read the chapter quickly to get a general idea.


I have a general idea of that town.

e across=meet with(meet…by chance/accident)无意中碰到,找到,想到

Perhaps I shall come across him somewhere in the park.


He came suddenly across an idea.


In other words, they failed to pass the exam.


He became, in other words, a great hero.


9.take turns = take in turns轮流(做某事)

The two boys took turns at digging the hole.


The three men took turns to drive so one would not be too tired.


You’d better talk things through. I will listen with complete attention.


If I had enough time, I would have talked things through.


11.on one’s way to…正在到……,动身往……,在往……的路上

He was on his way to school when suddenly a policeman stopped him.


They telephoned to say that they were on the way, but they might be late.


I called on a friend of mine on my way back.


You mustn’t forget to call in at Brown’s on the way home.


拓展:by the way顺便说;in the way挡道;in a way 某种意义上;lose one’s way迷路;by way of 途经,经由;work one’s way 通过苦干……;no way决不;make one’s way 前进;all the way to…一路至……

He told a lively story about his life in Africa.


Young children are usually lively.

friendly 友好的;lovely可爱的;orderly井然有序的;comradely同志般的;motherly母亲般的;daily每天的;weekly每周的;monthly每月的;yearly每年的;lonely寂寞的,偏僻的;deadly致命的;likely可能的。


He was alive when he was taken to the hospital.


Although he is old, he is still very much alive.


live(1)(动、植物)活着的,作前置定语;如:a live fish一条活鱼

Her grandfather is still living at the age of 93.


He made a lot of money by playing music.


It is very easy to make money in that city.


零钱,找头:change 伪钞:counterfeit money, bogus money


lose money 亏本;for love or money无论如何;

put money into… 投资于;put money on… 在……上打赌;

spend money like water挥金如土;earn good money赚大钱


Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。

Money talks.金钱万能。

Time in money.一寸光阴一寸金。

14.lead to(prep.)+n./v-ing引起,造成,导致

Too much work or too little rest often leads to illness.


Difference of opinion led to a heated argument.


15.so song as/as long as 只要……

You will succeed so long as you work hard.


It is a good idea to start a part-time job.


16.in time及时(=not later than),终究(=sooner or later)

I hope you will arrive in time for the meeting .


Work hard and you will succeed in time.


17.affect(=have an effect on sth.)vt.影响(effect n.影响)

This may affect your health.


My throat is always affected by bad weather.


18.be ready to do sth.(=be willing to do sth.)乐意做某事

Tom is always ready to help others.


If I’ve made any mistake, I’m ready to apologize.


19.play a trick on sb.= play with sb.捉弄某人,耍弄计谋

He is always playing tricks on others.


Don’t play tricks on me. I want to know the truth.


Have you used up you money?


常用短语:eat up吃光;tear up撕掉;use up用光;lock up锁住;burn up烧光;get up起床;up and down上上下下,来来往往。

-How long at this job?

-Since 1990.

A. were you employed B. have you been employed

C. had you been employed D. will you be employed


By the end of last year, another new gymnasium in Beijing.

A. would be completed B. was being completed

C. has been completed D. had been completed

分析:D。“by the end of last year”到去年年底,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时。

Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up

I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before

题4 -How are the team playing?

-They’re playing well, but one of them hurt.

分析:A。got hurt受伤,get 后接过去分词表示被动。受伤的事发生在过去,需用一般过去时。

-I’m sorry I’m calling you so late.

- okay.

A. This is B. You’re C. That’s D. I’m

分析:C。此题考查道歉与应答,That’s okay.这晨相当于That’s all right.(没关系)。

-What happened to the priceless works of art?

- .

A. They were destroyed in the earthquake

B. The earthquake was destroying them

C. They destroyed in the earthquake

D. The earthquake destroyed them


After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for an hour, thinking of her thinking of her young and happy days.

A. as long as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as many as

分析:A。指时间“长达”应用as long as 表达。

I was really anxious about you. You home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

分析:B。shouldn’t have done表示本不该做某事,而实际上做了。


