
范文大全 > 教师范文





Lesson 13

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the comparative and superlatives of adverbs.

2. the comparative forms of long adjectives.

Language Focus:

fast - faster - the fastest well - better - the best interesting - more interesting get home have to kinds of feed, to give food to

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector, flash动画

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise be going to.

Ask individual students to open the door, close the window and do other classroom duties. As they stand up to obey, ask What are you going to do? Then ask the class What is he/she going to do?

Step 2 Presentation

Showing the picture of a farm by the overhead projector.

Ask What is this? What can you see on the farm? What kind of work is there on the farm?

Let the students to talk about the farm.


Step 3 Read and act

Get the students to look at the picture on page 16 and describe it.

Teach the new words about the animals on the farm.

Play the tape for the students to listen and ask How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?

Explain the language points:

have to, the plural form of sheep.

Explain the comparative of long adjectives. Give more examples, “My coat is beautiful. Her coat is more beautiful than mine.”

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat.

Have them work in pairs to practise the dialogue. Then ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class.

Step 4 Presentation

Call three students to the front and say, “Mary works hard. Lisa works harder than Mary. Lucy works harder than Lisa. Lucy works hardest of the three.”

Say another group of sentences and get the students to repeat, “Linda gets up early. Kate gets up earlier than Linda. Green gets up earliest of all.”

Step 5 Read and learn

Showing the students the picture of Part 2. Let them to describe the pictures with the comparative and superlatives of adverbs

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat and check their answer.

Step 6 Exercise

Complete the sentences.

1. 我母亲的工作是照看孩子们。

My ______ ______ is ______ ______ ______ ______.

2. 你在家得做些什么?

What ______ you ______ to ______ at ______?

3. 让我帮助你喂鸡。

______ me ______ you ______ the chickens.

4. 吉姆在他们班上每天早晨到校最迟。

Mike ______ ______ school ______ ______ in their class every morning.


1.mother’s job, to look after children 2.do, have, do, home 3.Let, help, feed 4.gets to, the latest

Step 7 Homework

1. Make a group of sentences to compare things.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 13wait sheephave to tractorfeed the animals slowmore interesting slower



Lesson 14

1. 教学目标;

(1)使学生掌握本课重点词组和单词:agree with, in winter, in summer, hear doing, play with.


Which do you like better, A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best, A, B or C? I like A best.


2.教具:Recorder and pictures.


Step 1 Revision

(1)写出下列单词的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式:High ,bright, interesting, good, beautiful, delicious, fast.


What kind of sport is it?

Which one is riding faster?

Which one is riding the fastest?

出示图片二:Who is taller? Who is the tallest in the three?

Which one is running faster?

Which one is running the fastest?

Is the second sport man running quickly?

Who is younger? Who is the youngest?

Which sports do you like better, the cycling or the running?


Where do Ji Wei and Jone live?

What kind of animals are on Ji Wei’s farm?

What kind of work does he do then?

Step 2 Leading - in

Show students pictures of farms in China and America. They talk about the pictures first, then talk about the questions given in pre - reading in small groups. Teacher calls one group to do it as a model.

Step 3 Presentation

Part 1 Pre –read

(1)Show students a picture of a crowded city to teach the word “city” and a picture of countryside to teach “the country”. Draw a tractor on the blackboard and teach the word “tractor”. Ask them where people use that. Help them to say “in the country” or “in the field” or “on the farm”. Imitate the sound and teach the word “bleat”. Use a picture to teach “lake” and ask them what people can do in a lake, help them to answer “in summer, we can swim, or go fishing; in winter, We can skate on the ice.”



Part 2 Read

(1)Students read the article silently and answer questions

1. What’s the difference between Ji Wei’s farm and John’s farm?

2. Which play does Ji Wei like better, the city or the country? Why?

3. How about John?

4. Who is Cody? Say sth about Cody.


agree with, hear sb doing sth …


Chinese farm American farm

Small, grow more rice than American Big, grow more corn than Chinese, have more tractors and machines, have more animals

Step 4 Practice


Which do you like better A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best A,B,or C ? I like A best 。



(2)Write the topic “The city or the country” on the blackboard for the students to discuss in pairs. (They may read the dialogue in the book as a model) Encourage students to use dictionaries to help them add new reasons. Point out “lots of” means “ a lot of, many.”


Step 5 Exercise

1. Fill in the blanks.

I have a good friend who lives ① the farm.

He has many ② there, dogs, pigs, cows, etc. He uses a ③ to do the farm work , because it works faster and better. He don’t have to ④ the animals because they can find food themselves. He thinks the country is ⑤ (beautiful) than the city. He can hear the birds ⑥ and sheep ⑦ . And he often play ⑧ his dogs.

2. Compare the two farms, and two boys.

Ji Wei’s parents grow ① and ② , John’s parents grow ③ and ④ . Ji Wei likes to sit and looks at the ⑤ and ⑥ . John likes to sit and listens to ⑦ . John’s farm has a ⑧ where he often goes ⑨ in summer and ⑩ in winter.

Answers: 1. ①on ② animals ③ tractor ④feed ⑤ more beautiful ⑥) singing ⑦ bleating ⑧ with

2. ① rice ② wheat ③ corn ④ wheat ⑤blue sky ⑥ the green hills ⑦ the animals ⑧ lake ⑨ fishing ⑩skating

Step 6 Homework



(3)To write out the article “The city or the country.”

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 14Li Wei’s farm John’s farm

use a tractor Use animals

like to sit and look at… Go fishing…



Lesson 15

Teaching Objectives:


Language FOCUS:

help sb with sth like doing sth.

Eating too much is bad for you

Properties: Overhead projector, recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. To talk about the country life.

2. Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives like interesting, beautiful, etc.

Step 2 Compare

Showing the students the pictures to compare. Saying:

The car goes faster than the bike.

The train goes faster than the car.

The plane goes faster than the train.

So the plane goes fastest of all.

Ask Who works carefully in class? Help the students to answer Jim works carefully. Ask Who works more carefully than Jim? Help the students to answer Kate works more carefully than Jim. Ask Who works the most careful of all? Help the students answer Lucy works the most carefully of all.

Write the model on the blackboard

The car runs faster than the bike.

The train runs faster than the car.

The plane runs the fastest of all

Get some pairs to present their sentences.

Step 3 Practise

Students talk about the farm work they can do, write the jobs on the board “feed the animal, pick corn (wheat, etc), grow corn (wheat, etc)” Then they talk about who can do the most work, use the dialogue in the book as a model.

Give more phrases for them to use “have books” “get home early” “eat much” “run fast” “have a good time”, etc.

Step 4 Read and complete

Students do the exercise themselves and then check the answers

(The answers: older, exciting, beautiful, quickly, better, faster, longer, interesting)

Then explain some words and phrases, point out the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs ending with “ly” are “more + adverbs” and “most + adverbs”.

Step 5 Exercise in class

Complete the sentences

1. 公共汽车和轿车,哪个开得快?轿车。

Which goes__________ ______, the car or the bus? The car_______.

2. 所有人当中,我摘的玉米最多。

I can pick ________ ________ corns of ______.

3. 她喜欢住在乡下。

She likes ______ ______ the country.

4. 迈克经常读书到深夜。

Mike often reads ______ ______ ______ ______.

5. 我认为住在城市比城镇有趣得多。

I think ______ in the city is ______ ______ ______ than in the town.

6. 她经常帮她阿姨干农活。

She often ______ her aunt ______ the farm work.

Answers: 1.more quickly, does 2.the most, all 3.living in 4.until late at night 5.living, much more interesting 6.helps, with/do

Step 6 Homework

1. Preview new lessons.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 15 more the quickest the earliest The car runs faster than the bike. The train runs faster than the car. The plane runs the fastest of all



Lesson 16

Teaching Objectives:


掌握元音/u: / /u//uE/的发音。

Language FOCUS:

/u: / u, oo /u/ u, oo, oul /uE/ ure, ua,

What are you going to do after you leave school?

Properties: Tape recorder, pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise the comparison of adverbs.

My mother usually gets up earlier than my father.

My father gets up earlier than I.

So my mother gets up the earliest of all.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for students to listen and repeat, then ask students to practise the pronunciations of these words.

Use flashcards to give more words. Get them to practise the words.

Step 3 Rhyme

Play the tape for students to repeat and recite.

Read the chant together as a class.

Then divide the class into two groups to practise the chant.

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen. First make sure the students understand the meaning of the passage.

Then play the tape again and answer the questions.

Step 5 Word puzzle

First explain the word haystack means a large pile of hay firmly packed for storing.

Then students find out the words in pairs.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask What is John going to do after he leaves school?

Students read the text silently and ask them for the main idea of the passage.

Play the tape again and answer the following questions.

1. Where are Ji Wei and John now?

2. What are they talking about?

3. Where did they do just now?

4. What is John going to do after school? After college?

5. What does he want to learn at college?

6. Who is following them?

Explain some difficult point “college, school for higher education”, “each, every” nobody, not anybody, not anyone .

Step 7 Writing

Showing the students the picture of Aunt Peggy’s farm. Get them to look at the picture carefully. First have them talk about the picture. Then have them write one paragraph about the picture individually.

Step 8 Checkpoint

Revise the adjectival and adverbial comparatives and superlatives.

Read the useful expressions.

Step 9 Exercise in class

Complete the words, using the proper words.

Different people have different ideas.

O______ people like life in the country, but y______ people don’t. They think life in the country isn't i ______. They like to go to the c______, have dinner in the r______ and s______ and dance with their friends.

My uncle and my a______ aren't f ______, but they live in the country. They grow f______ and vegetables for f ______. Every morning they will walk r ______ the fields. They can hear b ______ singing and sheep bleating. They often say, “Life in the country is much b______ now.”

Answers: Old, young, interesting, cinema, restaurant, sing, aunt, farmers, fun, round, birds, better.

Step 10 Homework

1. To write out the description of the picture.

2. Write one passage about the city or the farm you live.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 16 What is John going to do after he leaves school?(Go to college.)



一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:

1)能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect 能掌握以下句型:

① What do you want to watch? ② What do you think of talk shows? ③ I can’t stand them.④ I don’t mind them.⑤ I like/love them./ I don’t like them.2)能了解以下语法:



二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:





三、教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in 学生们根据图片提示学习各类电视节目并且练习运用What do you think of…? Step 2 New words Learn the names of the TV shows.Step 3 Game 1.引导学生们看1a中的图片,根据提示依次说出每一部TV Show的名称。2.让学生们看图片及1a中的词汇,将图片与正确的词汇相连。3.Check the answers with the Ss.Step 4 Listening 1.T: Tell Ss to read the shows in the box.Make sure they know the meaning of the shows.2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the shows1-4.3.Play the recording again.Check the answers with the Ss.Step 5 Pair work 1.Let Ss look at the pictures in the box.Then explain the meaning of each expression to the Ss.2.Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher.Then let Ss make their own conversation using the shows and expressions in the box.3.Let some pairs ask and answer about the shows.Step 6 Listening Work on 2a: 1.Read the shows in the box of 2a.Tell Ss to remember the information.2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the TV shows [1-5].3.Play the recording again to check the on 2b: 1.Let Ss read the sentences below.Explain some main sentences for the Ss.Make sure they know what to do.2.Play the recording for the Ss to write the correct words in the blanks.3.Play the recording again to check the answers.Step 7 Pair work 1.Tell Ss ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a.They can use the information that is true for them.2.Let Ss read conversation after the teacher.3.Explain some main points for the Ss.4.Ss act the conversation in pairs.Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.


教学目标: 1.学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话,能够在情景中恰当运用句型what color is it? It’s ?问答颜色。 2.能够在情景中理解新词lost,toy,notebook的意思并能正确发音。

教学重点: 1.句型:what color is it? It’s ?问答颜色。 2.词汇:lost,toy,notebook

教学难点:对here it is和here you are的理解。


(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)复习What’s in the schoolbag?

1.教师带领学生看图:Sarah和Amy讨论丢失的笔记本的画面。教师指着图片说Sarah lost her notebook.板书新单词lost,并带读单词。

2.教师继续提问Is Sarah happy or sad?请学生注意Sarah说的话:I like it very much。学生回答She is sad教师继续问What can she do?

3.教师指着张鹏说Zhang Peng lost something,too。 Let’s go and have a look。

4.教师出示句子:Zhang Peng lost his English book。请学生完整听一遍对话录音,判断句子正误。学生听完后进行判断,并讲English book更正为schoolbag。

5.教师提问What color is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?板书核心句型:What color is it?学生跟读并听录找答案。听音之前教师给出答案的选项: A. It’s black and white. B. It’s blue and white.学生听完后选择正确的答案。

6.学生同桌之间互相询问对方书包的颜色,运用句型What colour is it? It’s......

7.学生做Let’s play板块的活动。

8.教师提问What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?请学生在对话中找出答案: An English book,two toys and a notebook。教师利用单词卡片和实物教学单词toy notebook。

1.教师出示对话板块的板书,播放录音,请学生看图听音后填充句子:Zhang Peng’s schoolbag isXXXXXXXandXXXXXXXX.








【知识目标】 了解昆明的雨的特点。

【能力目标】  1.通过朗读,感受作者对昆明的热爱。


【情感目标】 感悟作者表达的情感,培养学生关注日常生活细节的习惯,引导他们在平淡的生活中发现情趣。

【教学重难点】   重点:感悟作者表达的情感。  


【课时安排】 一课时

【课前准备】 预习本文字词,扫清阅读障碍。


一、诗情导入 初读情感

读汪曾祺的一首小诗: 莲花池外少行人,野店苔痕一寸深;






三、深化理解 体悟情感


明确: 因为“是下下停停、停停下下,不是连绵不断,下起来没完”。

2. 为什么昆明的雨季是丰满的?(请用文中的句子回答)








明确:想念  热爱  (解释乡愁的缘由)










想             明亮的           热

念             丰满的           爱




Unit2The Lndn Ee is n ur right.






tur, painting, clear, bat, ff, twer, get ff, turn left, turn right, g alng, n the right, n the left.


Tae ff the bat bac…

Get ff the bat at…










Step1 Waring up

As the students se questins:

Where have u been?

Have u ever been t Lndn?

Which place d u nw abut Lndn?

Which place is the Lndn Ee?

Step2 Reading and vcabular

1. Read the tur f Lndn and fllw it n the ap.

Have the students l at the ap and failiarize theselves with the places. Explain that the shuld draw the rute given in the passage n their ap.

The can then chec with a partner.

2. Have the students read the passage b theselves. Then as the t find ut the fllwing phases.





9)下船 10)走过教堂




3. Explain se iprtant pints.

辨析:abve , ver与n


The plane is fling abve the cluds.

The teperature will sta abve zer in the datie.


The light is ver/abve the table.

There is a picture ver the blacbard.

Spread the tableclth ver the table, please.


The b is n the des.

Step3 Listening

Mar the places n the ap.

Pla the tape thrugh nce fr the students t listen and fcus s the can understand the eaning f the places. Pla it again fr the t chec the eaning. Then as the t write naes f the places next t the buildings n the ap. The places are:

1 Natinal Galler 2 Lndn Ee 3 Twer f Lndn

4 Huses f parliaent 5 Bucingha Palace

Chec the answers with the whle class, as ne student t sa the answers.

Step4 Sa which places u can see in the phts.

As the students t decide this individuall, and then chec with a partner. Then call bac the answers fr the whle class.

Step5 Match the wrds with the pictures.

As the students t l at the pictures and cplete the activit individuall, and then chec with a partner.

Step6 Writing

Write directins t places in Lndn. Chse a place t start n the ap, and then chse a place t finish.

As the students t d this individuall, and eep their destinatin a secret fr everne.



1. Welce t this shrt (旅行) f Lndn.

2. It’s the Natinal G , a useu with lts f faus paintings.

3. Turn left and g t the Huses f (国会).

4. When u are tired, the best wa t see Lndn is b (船).

5. u can see st f Lndn n a c da.

6. Can u swi (横过) the river?

7. I ften wal (经过) the bshp n  wa t schl.

8. The Ban f China is (在…对面) the restaurant.

9. The dctr has ust (到达) at the hspital.

10. There’s a par (在之间) the tw superarets.

11. What a nice place! The hills are green and the water is (清澈的).

12. There’re a lt f faus (油画) in this useu.


1. If the traffic light is red, u crss the rad. It’s dangerus.

A. dn’t B. needn’t C. ustn’t D. wuldn’t

2. Dn’t pla ftball the iddle f the street.

A. in B. n C. at D. b

3. Turn left ing’s Street and g past the church.

A. in B. / C. int D. n

4. Mr Lin gave the textbs t all the students the nes wh had alread taen the.

A. except B. including C. ang D. with

5. ---What a surprise it is that u’ve hied n Munt Tai!

---I didn’t believe I culd d it I gt t the tp.

A. unless B. after C. until D. as

6. We ften have a wal the river after supper.

A. alng B. acrss C. n D. in

7. The best wa t visit Lndn .

A. b bat B. is b bat C. tae a bat D. t tae a bat

8. There’s a bridge the river.

A. n B. in C. ver D. under

9. He was brn the evening f August 28th, 1978.

A. n B. in C. at D. int

10. Everne t g shpping.

A. ens B. lies C. en D. lie



2. (左拐进人) ing’s Street.











1)短语和单词do the dishes, do the laundry, take out the trash, teenager, take care of, feed 等。


a. ---could you take out the trash?


b. ---could i borrow the car?

---sorry, but i need it. i have to go to a meeting.

3)语法:情态动词的could 的用法。


能用could you .....?和could i .....?来进行征求对方的意见和建议对方干什么以及应答形式。


3、学习 策略







本堂课的重点是:能用could you .....?和could i .....? 来进行征求对方的意见和建议对方干什么以及应答形式。

本堂课的难点是:如何对could you .....?和could i .....?进行反应,特别是在特定的情境中。


step 1 lead in and warming up

ask students what chores they do at home.

list them on the blackboard. lead in the topic of this unit.

step 2 presentation

1. ask for help with different sentences.

give examples: please give me your book or give me your book.

ask students which is the better way to ask for help.

if possible, enable students to ask in their ways.

2. read the phrases in 1a.

ask students if they do these chores at home.

3. listen to the tape and complete the chart.

read after the tape and imitate.

step 3 consolidation

retell the content according to the chart in 1b.

give students some tips.

ask students why peter and his mother have to do the chores now.

students know why and maybe they will begin like this:

peter’s grandma is coming at 7:00. so they have to clean the house. ........

step 4 practice

read the sample dialogue. then ask students to work with partners. make new dialogues.

remind students how to ask and answer.

role play.

step 5 homework

pay attention to the tone or manner of speaking when talking to others.

ask others for help with what they have learnt today in english.


a. ---could you take out the trash?


b. ---could i borrow the car?

---sorry, but i need it. i have to ......




本课时学生参与面广, 不同层次的学生均有所获。基础较差学生能运用所学句型进行简单的口语交际练习。英语能力较强的学生则能注意到本课情态动词could 的用法,语言能力拓展达到一定深度和广度。




Lesson 45

Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives

1. Learning new words about the weather and talk about the weather.

2. Learn to use exclamatory sentences.

3. Teaching a new tense the simple future tense.

Ⅱ. Properties

Recorder, Overhead Projector, Computer

Ⅲ. Language FOCUS :The simple future tense and exclamatory sentences.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures



How cold it is today! But it’s warm in class. So I will put off my coat.


2.把cold, warm两词写在黑板上, 问学生:Did you listen to the weather forecast yesterday? 然后放一段当天的天气预报的英语录音,将录音中出现的形容天气的词写在黑板上并解释。

cloudy sunny rainy wet windy snowy




--What’s the weather like in Harbin today?



colder, warmer, drier, hotter, wetter



Ask the students to make sentences about the weather. Then let them do some exercises.

A: What’s the weather like?

B: 1. It’s wet and windy.

2. It s rainy and windy.

3. It’s sunny and hot.

4. It s very snowy, but quite warm.

5. It s very rainy, but quite hot.

6. It s very dry, but quite cold.




Remember the structures:

1. How + adj. + subject + verb!

2. What + adj. + noun(singular or plural) + subject + verb!

e.g. How cold it is today!

What a cold day (it is today)!


1. Look at the chart below and ask the students to make sentences using the simple future tense.

Notes: 1) Mark “√” refers to affirmative sentences.

Mark “×” refers to negative sentences.

Mark “?” refers to general questions and make answers to all these questions.

2) Add a future time to the end of each sentence if necessary, eg. tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next Sunday/year/month, later on, soon, …

2. Let the students do some translations.

1. 她是一位多么善良的女孩呀!

2. 这是一部多么有趣的电影呀!

3. 他们是多么有耐心的医生呀!

4. 这些书是多么新呀!

5. 今天天气是多么好呀!

Keys: 1. How kind the girl is! = What a kind girl she is!

2. How interesting the film is! = What an interesting film is!

3. How patient the doctors are! = What patient doctors they are!

4. How new these books are! = What new books they are!

5. How fine it is today! = What a fine day (it is today) !

3. Dialogue Practice

T: Look at Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and repeat after it.

Now let the students use the patterns to practise more.

At last, try to ask them to make some new sentences. For example:

1. A: How dry it is today!

B: Yes, but it’ll be wetter later on.

2.A: What a dry day!

B: Yes, and it’ll get drier, I’m afraid.

Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks

A. Exclamatory sentences practice.

1. ______ nice ties they are!

2. ______ lovely weather it is!

3. ______ funny the joke is!

4. ______ a good idea this is!

5. ______ clever you are!

6. ______ terrible that is!

7. ______ handsome actors they are!

8. ______ wonderful it is!

B. The simple future tense practice.

1. I ______ the museum tomorrow, (not visit)

2. It ______soon. (rain)

3. ______ I ______ for Julia at the school gate tomorrow morning? (wait) Yes, you ______.

4. They______ care of the children next Sunday, (take)

5. ______ you ______ to university next year? (go)

No, I ______. Because I m not old enough.

6. Peter______ us the truth this evening, (not tell)

Keys: A: l. What 2.What 3.How 4.What 5.How 6.How 7.what 8.How

B: 1.won’t visit 2.will rain 3.Shall/wait/will 4.will take 5.Will/go/won’t 6.won’t tell


1. Remember the adjectives of weather and make a dialogue.

2. Make three exclamatory sentences and another three sentences using the simple future tense.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 45How cold it is today! What a cold day it is!



Lesson 46

Teaching Objection




Main Points

The expression of weather; noun of locality; the expression of direction;

Difficult Points

The simple future tense

Teaching Aids

Recorder, Overhead Projector, Video

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Revise the weather vocabulary by asking: What’s the weather like?

T: What's the date today?

Ss: It's December 28th.

T: What s the weather like?

Ss: It’s very rainy, windy and cold.

T: How cold it is today!

Ss: Yes, but it’ll be warmer later on.

T: What a cold day!

Ss: Yes, and it'll get colder, we' re afraid.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Part 1 Read and act

T: Now listen to the tape and try to understand it. And answer the question: What’s the weather like where Bruce’s father is?

After Listening the tape, check the answer: It’s warm and sunny.

Answer the following questions according to the dialogue

1. Where is Bruce now?

2. What ' s the weather like in Xinjiang?

3. What kinds of fruit does Bruce like very much?

4. What are his parents going to do?

5. Are they very happy to talk by telephone?

答案:1.Bruce is in Xinjiang, China.

2.It's cold in the morning, but turns very warm at noon.

3. He likes the grapes and melons very much.

4. They are going to hike.

5. Yes, they are.

2. Ask students to talk about the weather in Xinjiang?

Show these words: strange, dry, fruit, grapes, melons

The weather is very strange in Xinjiang. It’s cold in the morning, but turns very warm at noon. It’s also very dry, so the fruit here is very sweet. There are grapes and melons in Xinjiang.

3. Language Points

1) ring up, get into communication with sb by telephone.

eg. I’ll ring you up this evening.

ring up = call up(us)

2) hike [haik] V. go for a long walk in the country, taken for pleasure or exercise.

eg. They are going to hike tomorrow.

-hiker n. person who hikes.

4. Learning the nouns of locating by Overhead Projector

This is north/east/south/west/northwest/northeast/southwest/southeast.(手指着各个方向分别教学方位名词)

Note the different way of saying northeast, southwest, etc. in Chinese.

T: What part of China do we live in?

Ss: We live in the north/south/…of China.(教师可帮助学生回答)

T: What cities are in the north/south/east/southwest/…?

5. A Weather Report

T: Every morning I listen to the weather report. I like to hear what the weather is going to be like all around the world. Listen to this report and see what you can hear.

Play the tape several times for the students to listen to the tape.

Question: What will the weather be like in Northwest?

Check the answer: It will snow in the night.

6. Language Points

Explain that will is another way of saying going to be. Will expresses the simple future as be going to does.

Explain the sentence There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River.

there will be

It’s the way of expressing the simple future of there be.

e.g. I will go to the park this weekend.

The phrase to the north of expresses beyond some area.

e.g. Japan is to the east of China.

Prep in express inside some area.

Step 3 Practice

Fill in the form according the weather report

Places Weather Temperature

Most North China

Cold wet /cloudy

1.A strong wind2.(after tomorrow)Sunny

Northeast Above zeroBelow zero

Snow (night)/heavy


Tianjin 2 ---9

Let the students look at the radio report and fill in the form..

Weather Report

Good evening. Let’s look at tomorrow's weather. In England the temperature is going to be around 15℃, except in the north where it’s going to be cooler; around 12℃.The day’s going to be generally fine, with a lot of sunshine, especially in the south. Over Wales and northern England, it’ll be cloudy in the afternoon and by early evening it’s going to rain. But only a little. In Northern Ireland, it’s going to be generally colder with strong winds and temperatures around 10℃.The story for Scotland is quite different - in the east of Scotland, it’s going to be wet and windy with temperatures around 5℃.To the north and west, however; up in the Highlands, the temperature’s going to be much lower around 2℃ and it looks like it’s going to snow in the evening.

North of England-South of England-Wales-Northern Ireland-East of Scotland-North and west of Scotland-


North of England-cooler, around 12℃;

South of England - fine, with a lot of sunshine

Wales - cloudy in the afternoon, a little rain in the early evening

Northern Ireland - colder with strong winds, around 10℃

East of Scotland - wet and windy, around 5℃

North and west of Scotland - snow in the evening, around 2℃

Step 4 Exercise

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

1. Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.

It _______ _______ cold and wet _______ most of North and South China.

2. It'll rain in Beijing.

Beijing will ______ ______.

3. The rain was heavy last night.

It ______ ______ last night.

4. The snow is heavy now.

There ______ ______ now.

5. What's the weather like today?

______ ______ the weather today?

6. We played happily in the park last Sunday.

We ______ ______ ______ ______ in the park last Sunday.

7. Bruce rings up his father in Sydney.

Bruce ______ his father ______ ______ in Sydney.

Answers: 1. will be, in 2. be rainy 3. rained heavily 4. is heavy snow 5. How is 6. had a great time 7. gives, a ring

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the dialogue and the text fluently.

2. Make a radio report of the weather in winter.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 46A Weather Reporthave a cold day in the night at timesstay above zero Have a great timefall below zero It will be + adj.in the daytime There will be + n.



Lesson 47

Teaching Objectives:



Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projection

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise the vocabulary of direction.(可利用学生互相的位置进行表达)

Revise how to express the weather

Step 2 Read and act

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Have students read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

At last, let several pairs act it out.

Step 3 Read and learn

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Pay attention to the followings: play football, on our school playground, climb the mountain, have to do, stay home, do some reading. It’s better to do sth, on rainy days. I'm afraid… ,go roller-skating, would you like to do sth? play with sb, make a snowman.

Now encourage the students to make some different dialogues with the patterns given in students Book.

For Example:

Example 1

A: What a fine day today!

B: Yes, it’s sunny and not very hot. Will you go to Beihai Park with me?

A: Ok. Let s go and row a boat there.

B: That’s a good idea!

Example 2

A: Look! How heavy it rains!

B: Anna, you can't take a walk outside today, I'm afraid. What will you do?

A: I have to stay home and do some cleaning.

B: Good. It s better to do some cleaning on rainy days.

Example 3

A: Wow! What a heavy snow! I'm afraid you can't play football. Jack. What will you do?

B: I can go skiing. Would you like to go with me, Jim?

A: Certainly! Let’s carry our skiing-gears!

B: OK./Come on!

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape and ask What will the weather be like for Taiyuan?

Make sure the students get the answer. Then play the tape again and have the student write down the temperatures of the cities on Page 139.

Play the third time. Make sure the students finish the exercises. Then check the answer with the whole class.

Step 5 Exercises in class

Rewrite the following sentences.

1. He goes to school on foot every day. ( by bike tomorrow)

2. They don't have a meeting every Friday, (next Friday)

3. Does Polly often help his friends? Yes, he does. (tomorrow)

4.I play basketball with my classmates every afternoon. ( tomorrow afternoon)

5. Do you keep a diary in English this year? ( next year) No, I don’t.


1. He will go to school by bike tomorrow.

2. They won’t have a meeting next Friday.

3. Will Polly help his friends tomorrow? Yes, he will.

4.I will play basketball with my classmates tomorrow afternoon.

5. Will you keep a diary in English next year? No, I won’t.

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Make three different dialogues according to Exercise Two.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 47 I don’t like the snow/ rain/ cold. The snow will stop later in the day. What a heavy snow! It’s better to do some reading on rainy days.

Lesson 48

Teaching Objectives:



I think it will be …

I hope …

I don’t like the …

I love the …


学会写weather report and an e-mail。

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Write a short passage using the words given below

bad, last, not, long, think, get better, soon, radio, rain, stop, later on, so, go shopping, later.

Reference answer:

The weather is bad now. But it won’t last too long. I think it’ll get better soon. Because the radio says the rain will stop later on. So I'll go shopping later.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Practise the individual sounds, the show flashcards with more words and get the students to pronounce the words.

Step 3 Practise

Revise the vocabulary of weather.

windy rainy sunny cloudy hot cold etc.

Teach the new word foggy by showing a picture.

Slides showing.


A: I think it will be windy/sunny/rainy/cloudy tomorrow.

B: I hope you ' re wrong. I don ' t like the wind/sun/rain/cloud.

I hope you ' re right. I love the wind/sun/rain/cloud.


A: I think it will be cloudy/windy/sunny/hot/rainy/cold tomorrow.

B: No, it won't! I think the weather will be much better/worse!

Read through the dialogue with the students.

Get the students to practise the dialogue in pairs. Substitute the words in the box to practise the dialogue. Ask several pairs to practise the dialogue.

Step 4 Presentation

Language Points.

1. I hope (that) subject + verb

I hope you’ll get well soon.

2. I love + noun.

I love my family and my school, and I love my country, too.

3. much + comparative degree.

Mike is much taller than Jim.

Step 5 Look, read and say

课前一天教师可让学生观看中央电视台的天气预报,或是收听电台的天气预报,教学此部分时先让学生说说昨天预报的天气情况,尽量用英语表达。或是让学生当播音员把Lesson 46的weather report用自己的语言说一遍。

Ask the students to look at the table, then read it together.

Ask them to guess what season it is.

Have the students to write their weather report individually.

Then choose several students to read their weather reports for the class.

Step 6 Practice

Listen to another model.

Tokyo→rainy-→ 11→-3

Model: Good morning! Here's the weather report for some big cities in the world. Tokyo is rainy. The high temperature will be 11. There'11 be plenty of rain in the daytime, but the low temperature tonight will be minus three. Wear warm clothes at night when you go out….That's the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.

(Ask the students to report that of the rest big cities-London, Ottawa, New York and Melbourne to their classmates. )

Step 7 Writing

T: Look at Exercise Four. Try to learn how to write an e-mail.

T: Read the e-mail form, and listen to a model.


Dear Miss West,

Welcome to our school! My name is Josie Zhou. I' m in Class One, Grade Two. You will come here next month, won’t you? Now let me tell you something about the weather here. The sky is usually blue in the daytime, the high temperature is about 6 and the low temperature is about minus 6. The weather here is really nice, isn't it? But you'd better bring some warm clothes because it'll get colder and colder. I' ll wait for your arrival and have a safe journey.

(Ask the students to discuss in class)

Step 8 Checkpoint 12

1. Grammar: the simple future tense and exclamatory sentences.

2. Useful expressions: later on, ring up. Happy New Year! The same to you.

eg. Merry Christmas! The same to you!


①Teachers: Happy Teachers ' Day!

Teachers: The same to you.

②Students: Happy Teachers’ Day!

Teachers: Thank you.

Step 9 Exercises in class

Write a Weather Report according to the following form about 50 words.


时间 天气情况 温度(℃)

今天晚上 有雨,部分地区有大雨 2-9

明天上午 有云,风向偏东,风力不大 9-12

明天下午 晴天 12-16


Weather report of Shang hai for the next 24 hours. It will be rainy tonight. The lain will be very heavy in some places. The temperature will be 2 to 9. It will be cloudy tomorrow morning. There will be a wind to the east. It’s not strong. The temperature will be 9 to 12. After noon it will be sunny. The temperature will be 12 to 16.

Step 10 Homework

1. Write a weather report according to the model in Exercise Three.

2. Write an e-mail according to the pattern in Exercise Four.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises..

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 48 ch -ch - tch I think it will be … tomorrow. - ge j There’ll be beautiful sunshine. tr That’s the weather report for today. dr I hope … -ts-tes I don’t like the … -ds- des I love the …





Teaching procedures(教学步骤):

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1.Greetings and free-talk .

2.Check the Homework(家庭作业) .

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)SB Page 24 , Groupwork .

1.Arrange the Ss in small groups .Ask them to look at the pictures and talk

about the events .Encourage students to say how historical events affected their

lives .

2.Tell the Ss to help each other with vocabulary they might need and don’t

know .

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

1.Reading strategy :The title can be helpful for you to understand a text

.It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before

reading .

2.Read the title ,which gives an indication of the content of the reading

.Think of one question they think might be answered in the reading .

3.Play the recording , Ss listen . 4.Ask Ss to read the story out to the

class .

5.Ask Ss to comment on whether their questions in the previewing stage were

answered .

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)SB Page 25 , 3a .

Read the four events and match them to the correct dates .When finished

,ask Ss to swap their book with a partner for correction .

Homework(家庭作业) :

Write about an event that you remember well .Give dates and say why you

remember it ,and what you were doing at the time when you heard the news .




( )1. What ____ you ____ when she came in?

A. did, do B. are, doing C. do, do D. were, doing

( )2. The girl is ill. She’s ______.

A. in hosp







学习和掌握I’m going to a /an……的句型及其问句what are you going to be when you grow up?会运用该句型进行会话。并能推出除第一人称的用法之外,其他人称都可以用。学习了该句型,学生能用英语进行谈话、讨论,将来干什么职业,并能表达出自己、亲戚及朋友,将来干什么职业。




首先运用句型:what does your father /mother do? my father /mother is a worker /mother is a worker/teacher ……,复习了部分职业名词,为本节课的句型I’m going to be a/an ……埋下伏笔,打下基础,接着通过幻灯机示出本节课的标题:i am going to be a basketball player。并演示两个句型如:what are you going to be when you grow up ? I’m going to be a teacher .what are you going to be you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer。让学生先感知本节课的语言知识。并用幻灯片示出本节课的主要句型,what are you going to be when you grow up? i’m going to be a/an ……然后,出示幻灯图片共15幅,让学生根据图片,运用本课的主要句型,进行两两对话,在练习过程中掌握句型。下一步,让学生互相讨论,进行会话,更一步理解、 掌握和运用该句型。进行了几分钟后,让学生进行会话表演,检查学生掌握得如何,如有问题及时进行纠正,做得好的及时表扬,增强学生的学习积极性。为了使学生进一步熟练运用该句型,再出示幻灯图片,让学生进行会话,学生都做得较好。

进行了口头表达训练之后,通过幻灯片出示练习:第一道题是听力练习,listen and fill in the “who” and “what” columns in the chart 。学生听完两次后,检查纠正答案,提高学生的听写能力。第二道题是:finish the words according to the first letter and the sentences meaning 。学生完成后,逐个学生提问答案,并出示正确的答案,提高学生记忆本节课所学的新单词,第三道题是:ask questions according to the line。同样学生先完成后,逐题提问学生,检查其答案是否对错,并指出其存在的问题,出示正确的答案。

练习完成后,对本节课所学的内容进行小结:本节课学习了what are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a/an ……从会话及练习的检查,大部分同学都掌握得好,都能表达自己将来打算干什么,希望大家回去后调查一下自己的同学或朋友将来打算干什么,并能用英语写出来。及完成补充练习,为我们下一节课学习做准备。







第一单元 相亲相爱一家人

第一课 爱在屋檐下














[情景故事]教材P4两则故事说:“那……不是我的房子” “我又有家了”。那么“家到底是什么?”

二、体验活动: “家”的遐想 /我眼中到的家。(并请说明理由)



A 爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、小松

b 爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、小兰

c 爸爸、小刚

d 爸爸、妈妈、小浩、叔叔、婶婶















































































第二课 我与父母交朋友

第一框 严也是一种爱(两课时)






第一课时 成长也会有烦恼
















































第二框 两代人的对话(一课时)

















铁杆奇怪地问:“为什麽我费了那麽大力气也打不开,而你却轻而易举就把它打开了?”钥匙说:“因为我最了解他的心。” 设问:寓言给了我们什么启示?





















一、 Analysis of the text教材分析

1、 Teaching教学内容:Talk about personal traits and how to compare people谈论人物的个性特征及如何对比人物

2、Statue of the Text教材的地位和作用


3、Teaching goals教学目标:

1)Language goal知识目标让学生掌握本课的词汇运用。

2)Ability goal能力目标让学生学会用英语与他人谈论人的个性特征和使用形容词进行比较的话题,以及进一步提高学生的英语语言表达能力;

3)Emotional goal情感目标激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互联系。让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。而且通过学习比较级使学生懂得在学习和生活中应相互理解、相互帮助、相互学习。

4、 Important points重点:掌握形容词比较级的变化规则及句型

5、Difficult points难点:使用比较级自如表达

二、Teaching Methods教学方法:




三、Learning Methods学法:


四、Teaching Steps教学程序:

Activity I活动一:Leading in激趣导入


Activity II活动二:Warming up单词热身练习


Activity III活动三:Comparing句子热身练习


Activity IV活动四:A guessing game“猜谜”游戏

——Who is he/she?他/她是谁?


Activity V活动五:Competition小组竞赛


Activity VI活动六:Acting知识的拓展


此项活动后的小结也是本课的总结:“From this story we know,when we are better than others.Don’t laugh at others.When someone is better than you,don’t be frustrated.No one is perfect。 We should learn from each other and help each other.”这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当你比别人强的时候,不要嘲笑别人;当你在某些方面不如别人时,不要自卑。没有人是完美的。在生活和学习中,我们应该相互帮助、相互学习。

Activity VII活动七:Exercises巩固训练





探究性作业:写作文一篇,标题是“My Friend and I”。


六、Blackboard Design板书设计:

They are twins.

They are both lovely.

Xiaoya is calmer than Li Wen.

Li Wen is more outgoing than Xiaoya

A is形容词比较级than B


1、比较的对象不一致。如:My hair is longer than you.



Teaching aims and demands:

1)      To train the students’ ability of reading

2)      To talk about some famous actors, actresses and directors

3)      To learn something about Steven Spielberg

Teaching focuses and difficulties:

1)      To understand the passage

2)      To learn something from Steven Spielberg

Teaching procedures:

Free talk with the students and enjoy some pictures.(films/ actors/actresses/directors)

Listen to the tape and tick the things that are mentioned in the passage.

Oscar (   )   birth year (   )   Sophie’s Choice (   )   Schindler’s List (   )

Speed (   )    Schooling (   )     The Matrix (   )    Film Academy (   )

marriage and family (   )    ET (   )

multiple choice :

1)      How many of Steven Spielberg’s moives are mentioned in the passage_______?

2)      When he was young, Steven Spielberg took English as his major______.

A. because it was his dream           B. because he didn’t do very well at school

C. in order to get a job in a film studio   D.because English is his mother tongue

3)      The phrase “take off”( in Para2 ) has the same meaning as the one in “_______.”

A.      The plane was crashed soon after it took off

B.      He took off his hat and said hello to me

C.      After Meryl Streep won her first Oscar as Best Actress, her career really took off

D.     When his wife was sick in hospital, he took off from work

4)      What can be inferred (推断) from the passage______?

A.      All of Spielberg’s films are real blockbusters

B.      If you learn English well, you will succeed

C.     Behind every successful man there must be a great woman

D.     Hard work and perseverance (坚持不懈) is the way to success

5)      What do you think of Steven Spielberg______?

A. He’s brave            B. He doesn’t work hard

C. His grades were low    D. He has a gift (天赋) for directing films

1. Discussion: “When asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes

much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.” What does he mean? Make a choice and then explain why.

(  ) He wants to thank his family because he has little time to be with them.

(  ) His family’s support helped his career take off.

(  ) His wife gave up her own career just for him.

(  ) Others:_________________________________________________.

2. Summary: What can we learn from Steven Spielberg?


Write a passage about one of your favorite film stars.


